Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Seward.
Sir: * * * * * * * *
President Mosquera has fallen, and is now a close prisoner at Bogota, in the hands of the conservatives, who now rule all this country (except the State of Bolivar, on the sea coast,) according to its constitution and laws. General Lopez, Mosquera’s secretary of war, aided by the president of the State of Bolivar, still holds all the sea-coast of Colombia, except the port of Santa Martha, which he has blockaded with but an occasional visit of the steamer Colombia, the only war. vessel under his command, and it is not yet known whether he will yield to the powers that be, or war against them. He is working very hard to procure the release of the steamer Rayo, and, should he succeed, of which there is but little chance, he will prolong this war for selfish ends. On the 22d instant his soldiers here had a sectional fight among themselves, and many of them are reported to have been killed or wounded, and many more of them to have deserted.
On the 15th instant an extra session of the legislature of the State of Bolivar met at Carthagena to decide whether this State should acknowledge the unanimous action of the other eight States of Colombia, or make war against them: and, as this legislature is supposed to be equally divided on the subject, it is impossible to judge in advance of its action. I am very anxious to hear from you on the subject of these unforeseen difficulties that environ me; but of one thing you may rest assured, that I shall not give either of the contending parties here any just cause of complaint against the United States or myself.
* * * * * * * * *
I have the honor to be, sir, with profound regard, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.