Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 169.]
Department of State,
December 28, 1866.
Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter of this date
addressed to me by Mr. James A. Scrymser, a director of the
International Ocean Telegraph Company, requesting that you may be
instructed to aid Mr. Charles Rebello, an agent of that company, in
obtaining from the government of the United States of Colombia the
privilege of landing their cable on the shores of that republic. As the
interests of the government and citizens of the United States are
materially concerned in securing, as soon as practicable, reliable
telegraphic communication with that republic, the application of the
company is commended to your attention.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Allan A. Burton, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
Mr. Scrymser to Mr. Seward.
December 28, 1866.
Sir: The International Ocean Telegraph
Company, chartered under the laws of the State of New York, having
obtained from the legislature of the State of Florida, and from the
Congress of the United States, the exclusive privilege of landing
telegraphic cables on the coast of Florida, and from the government
of Spain the exclusive privilege of landing such cables on the
shores of Cuba and Porto Rico, is now desirous of obtaining from the
government of the United States of Colombia the privilege of landing
such cables upon the shores of that republic; and on behalf of the
president and directors of the company, I have now the honor to
request that you will inform our minister at Bogota that Mr. Charles
Rebello, agent of the company for that purpose, will present to the
congress of the United States of Colombia, at its next session, the
petition of the company praying for a grant of permission to land
telegraphic cables on that coast, and to instruct him to give such
advice and assistance to Mr. Rebello as may be in his power towards
effecting the accomplishment of the enterprise in view. The company
desire very much to present their petition to the congress of the
United States of Colombia at its next meeting, which takes place at
an early day, and they would be much pleased if Mr. Seward would do
them the favor to give the advice and instruction to our minister at
Bogota, herein asked for at as early a period as may be convenient
to him; the mail for Bogota from New York closing on Monday, 31st
instant, at 9 a. m.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAMES A. SCRYMSER, Director International
Ocean Telegraph Company.
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.