Mr. Garcia to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the note of your excellency, in which you inform me that Mr. Thornton, her Britannic Majesty’s minister to this republic, had communicated to you a copy of a letter of Mr. Mountjoy, consul of the United States at Lambayeque, addressed to Mr. Jermingham, British chargé d’affaires at Lima, from which it appears that two English citizens have been seriously injured in their persons and property by Peruvian authorities, without any provocation on their part, and who were entirely neutral in the late revolution of Peru, according to the statement of Mr. Mountjoy; and your excellency begs of me to make known to my government that that of the United States, as a friend of Peru, regrets to receive such communications, and hopes that a proper investigation will be made in the cases referred to, in order that amends may be made according as the circumstances require, and that all possible efforts be made to avoid the repetition of these occurrences.
I cherish the sincere conviction that my government, moved by the spontaneous consciousness of its own duty, admitting the truth of the acts complained of, which is not evident to me, will have ordered their judicial investigation and the conviction and punishment of the delinquents. I am likewise certain that the steps of Mr. Jermingham, with regard to acts of the nature of those referred to, as unfortunate as they can be in moments of political commotion, of which no country is exempted, will be attended to according to justice. However, I shall transmit to my government, to satisfy the wishes of your excellency, a copy of the note to which this is a reply, and I have no doubt that it will take it into due consideration.
I improve the occasion to renew to your excellency the assurances of my high consideration.
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.