Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward.

No. 156.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of a resolution of thanks passed by the Peruvian congress on the 19th instant, together with the note of his excellency the minister of foreign affairs, and my reply thereto, (inclosures Nos. 1, 2, and 3.)

The sympathy lately expressed by the journals of the United States, in relation to the sufferings caused by the late terrible earthquakes in [Page 888] Peru and Ecuador, has created the warmest demonstrations of gratitude towards our country. Every article of the least importance has been translated and published in the newspapers of Peru, and it is ardently hoped that our congress may act towards this country as it did for Ireland in days gone by.

Thousands have been reduced from competency to absolute suffering, and the terrible visitation still continues in several parts of the country. In Caldera, (Chili,) and Cuzco, severe shocks were felt on the 15th instant, causing, it is said, considerable damage, but the full details have not yet been received.

Between earthquakes, yellow fever, and revolutions, Peru, for the last few years, has been sorely afflicted, and the hourly expectation of like calamities has thrown a dark shade over the country, and paralyzed its energies.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Most Excellent Sir: Congress has passed a vote of thanks to the Chilian and Bolivian nations, to the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and the charge d’affaires of France, on account of their generous conduct towards the people residing in the south of this republic, who suffered from the effects of the earthquake of the 13th of August last; and has resolved that your excellency inform the said nations and diplomatic agents of the same.

God preserve your excellency.

ANTONIO ARENAS, Vice-President of the Senate.
FRANCISCO CHAVEZ, Secretary of the Senate.
JUAN OVIEDO, President of the Chamber of Deputies.
P. BERNALES, Deputy Secretary of the Chamber of Deputies.

His Excellency the President of the Republic.

Lima, October 19, 1868.

Let this he fulfilled and published.

Sign manual of his excellency.



Señor Barrenechea to Mr. Hovey.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to your excellency the authentic copy of the vote of thanks passed by the national congress to the republics of Chili and Bolivia, and the representatives of the United States and France, for the generous conduct observed by them towards the people of the south of Peru who suffered the consequences of the earthquake of 13th of August last.

The celerity and zeal with which your excellency and the estimable officers of the American navy hastened to relieve the necessities of the south, in the most pressing moments, fully justify this solemn manifestation of gratitude, which causes me such pleasure and honor in communicating to your excellency.

Reiterating, on my part, in the name of the government, the assurance of the same feeling, I am your attentive and very obedient servant,


His Excellency General Alvin P. Hovey, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America.

[Page 889]

Mr. Hovey to Señor Barrenechea.

Sir: I have the honor and pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 23d instant, transmitting the resolution of thanks passed by the congress of Peru on the 13th October, and for which honor I beg your excellency to convey my sincere thanks to the proper authorities.

The nattering manner in which your excellency has thought proper to allude to the action of myself and the officers of the navy of the United States gives me great pleasure. I only regret that we could not have done more at the time for suffering humanity, but ardently entertain the hope and conviction that my country and countrymen will further evince the sincere regard which they hold towards Peru.

I beg to assure your excellency of my most distinguished consideration.


His Excellency Señor Dr. Don J. A. Barrenechea, Minister of Foreign Affairs.