Mr. Hovey to Mr.
No. 146.]
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru,
September 14, 1868.
Sir: I beg to transmit herewith the copy and
translation of the note of his excellency the minister of foreign
affairs, acquainting me with the feelings of gratitude entertained by
his government towards Rear-Admiral Turner and myself, in regard to the
steps taken towards alleviating the disasters caused by the recent
earthquake, and also my reply to the same.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Señor Barrenechea to Mr. Hovey.
I had the honor of opportunely receiving your excellency’s estimable
notes of yesterday informing me that Rear-Admiral Turner, commanding
the naval forces of the United States in the South Pacific, proposed
sailing to Arica immediately, with the view of alleviating, as far
as possible, the disaster caused by the earthquake, and asking that
the government should denote the articles it might desire to send to
Arica by the Powhatan. Your excellency’s conduct, and that of the
estimable admiral, is that to be expected from the representatives
of the American Union, who, wherever they may be, are always ready
to aid the unfortunate, and who, in Peru, have given always
convincing proofs of their humane and generous feelings in our days
of trial, days which try true friendship and true friends.
Your excellency is aware that my government hastened to accept this
important offer, and sends to-day, on board the Powhatan, a
commission of surgeons and a contingent of money.
His excellency the President and the undersigned went on board the
Powhatan today to personally thank Admiral Turner, and to manifest
his profound gratitude for such an opportune proposal, and I now
fulfill the pleasant duty of assuring your excellency of our lasting
I beg to renew, &c.,
His Excellency General A. P. Hovey,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of the United States of America.
Mr. Hovey to Señor Barrenechea.
Legation of the United
August 22, 1868.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your excellency’s very courteous note dated to-day,
informing me of the measures taken by the government of Peru in
relation to the offer of assistance made by Rear-Admiral Turner, and
expressing the sentiments of your excellency’s government, in regard
to the steps taken by that officer and myself.
Your excellency’s country is filled with sorrow and sadness, caused
by the late terrible earthquake.
Permit me to condole with your excellency and the afflicted people of
Peru in the hour of your disaster.
Seldom has the world seen sorrows like yours. Calabria, Lisbon,
Callao, New Madrid, (Mo.,) in my own country, have in times gone by
passed through trials probably as severe as this, but the memory of
those past sufferings is softened by the great lapse of years; still
here we realize and feel again all the horror of the dreadful
[Page 874]
May God in his mercy “temper the wind to the shorn lamb,” and bring
your country ont of the terrible ordeal through which it is now
I have done all in my power to alleviate the sufferings of your
countrymen, and now can only add that I deeply regret that my
countrymen could not have done more than we have for the cause of
I beg to reassure, &c.,
His Excellency J. A. Barrenechea,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.