Señor Benitez to Mr. Washburn.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your two notes, in which, under date of yesterday, you acknowledge receipt of mine of the 16th and 19th instant, and refuse to permit that the criminals accused of high treason to the country, in combination with the enemy, George Masterman and Porter Cornelius Bliss, appear before the tribunals.
In anticipation of the occasion of forwarding my formal answer, I notify you that, by agreement of the traitors with the enemy, the latter was to execute certain movements on or before the 24th instant; and as it appears probable that these criminals may escape from your house, if they should not be previously imprisoned, I have the honor to say to you that my government would view with the greatest pain an occurrence of so much importance, which would once more surprise the good faith and confidence which Mr. Washburn pleases to manifest towards these criminals, thinking it his duty to discuss and delay up to the present time the apprehension of individuals so dangerous to the national cause, without having been sufficient all the moderation and courtesy with which this ministry has treated so grave a question. I beg of you the honor of the speediest possible answer, and I improve this occasion to renew the assurances of my distinguished consideration.
His Excellency Charles A. Washburn, Minister Resident of the United States of America.