Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.

No. 118.]

Sir: A further auction with the sum of forty thousand dollars, for the purchase of bonds of the English and Spanish convention debts by this government, was held on the 21st instant.

I transmit herewith, for the information of the department, translation of the order directing such auction to be held, and of the official report of the result of the same.

It has been a subject of remark that the only person appearing as a vendor at this sale, for both of these debts, is an individual who is reported to be a confidential agent of government officials.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

[Page 456]

Department of Treasury and Public Credit.–Section 1.

The President of the republic directs that on Monday, the 20th instant, the fourth auction shall take place for the redemption of the bonds of the national debt, known as the interior debt, and that on the following day there shall take place the third auction for the redemption of bonds belonging to the extinguished English and Spanish conventions.

For the first of these auctions it is the desire of the President that you shall assign at least the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and for the second the sum of forty thousand dollars, augmenting both of these sums to the maximum fixed by the law, if the circumstances of the treasury will permit.

In all relating to these two auctions you will be guided by the instructions that have been given to you with reference to the preceding.


The Treasurer-General of the Nation.—Present.

A true copy.
J. M. GARMENDIA, Chief Clerk.

Auction for the purchase of bonds of the English and Spanish contentions.

The general treasury of the nation sends to us for publication the following:

Result of the auction held to-day with the sum of forty thousand dollars, destined to the extinguished English and Spanish conventions.


Mr. Goytia sold, at thirty-six per cent., $41,666 66 for $15,000 cash.


The same Mr. Goytia sold, at fourteen per cent., $178,571 43 for $25,000 cash.


Amount of bonds canceled $220,238 09
Amount of cash sold 40,000 00
Gain to the public treasury 180,238 09