
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward.

No. 13.]

Referring to his note of the 20th about the Cuyler, the undersigned, minister plenipotentiary of her Catholic Majesty, finds himself under the unavoidable duty of bringing to the knowledge of the honorable Secretary of State that by the mail of yesterday evening he has received from New York reports which give a character, each time more singular and more serious, to the matter, and which place him under the necessity of again calling to it the attention of your department.

[Page 28]

It appears in fact that the Cuyler not only has been delivered to her owners, and is at liberty to go to sea, but also that this was to take place on the afternoon of the day before yesterday, the 23d. It also appears that at the latest hour indications were noticed on board of the same plotting, which had already before caused her detention, there resulting therefrom complications between the owners and such crew, hindering for a moment her departure. It seems, in fine, that the steamer is notwithstanding to go to sea, and that the idea in general pervading New York is that more or less directly she is going to cruise against Spanish vessels.

Reiterating therefore anew his reservations, but reiterating also his protests, and in the supposition that they may yet be in season for the appliance of a remedy, the undersigned believes it his duty to advise the honorable Secretary of State of the case, at first glance very improbable, but which circumstances make appear possible, of so flagrant a contravention as this would be of all the laws and principles of neutrality.

The undersigned avails of this occasion to reiterate to the honorable Secretary of State the assurances of his highest consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.