Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.

No. 103.]

Sir: In dispatch No. 92, of the 23d ultimo, I referred to the opposition made by the minister of treasury in the name of the government, in congress, to the second article of the provisional appropriation bill, which provided that the excess in the public revenues, after meeting the sums assigned to the different departments of the government, should be applied to the payment of the interest on the national debt; the government desiring that such excess should be applied to the buying in of the debt, and not to the payment of interest upon it.

I have now to transmit herewith translation of the appropriation bill which was finally adopted by congress, and which, as will be seen, was modified in article 2 to conform to the wishes of the executive.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

Department of Treasury and Public Credit.

The citizen President of the republic has been pleased to direct to me the following decree:

Benito Juarez, constitutional President of the United Mexican States, to the inhabitants [Page 446] of the same; be it known that the congress of the Union has thought proper to issue the following decree:

The congress of the Union decrees:

Article I. The monthly expenses of the federation will be made in conformity with the following provisions:

1st. There is assigned to the department of relations, for the expenses of administration, the sum of nine thousand three hundred and ninety-five dollars $9,395 00
2d. That of government, eighty-five thousand and eighty-three dollars thirty-three cents 85,083 33
3d. That of justice and public instruction, sixty-six thousand two hundred and sixty-three dollars seventy-three cents 66,263 73
4th. To that of fomento, one hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars 175,115 00
5th. To that of war, for expenses of administration, five hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars fifty cents 512,597 50
6th. For the same, for material and extraordinary expenses, ninety thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars eight cents 90,622 08
7th. For the same, to place five thousand dollars at the disposal of each of the States of Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, and Nuevo Leon, for the purpose of the defense of those States against the babarous Indians, twenty-thousand dollars 20,000 00
8th. To that of the department of treasury, for the expenses of administration and pensions, one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and fifty-eight dollars twenty-one cents 180,458 21
Total 1,139,534 85

Art. II. The preceding estimates being met, the excess which there may be in the revenue shall be applied to the payment of the national debt.

Art. III. This law will remain in force until congress shall decree that of permanent estimates, in conformity with the provisions of article 69 of the constitution.

JOAQUIN M. ALCALDE, Vice-President.

Francisco Vaca, Secretary.

Elenterio Avila, Secretary.

Wherefore I order that it be printed, published, circulated, and that due compliance be given to it.


The Citizen Matias Romero, Minister of Treasury and Public Credit.

And I communicate the same to you for your information and the corresponding ends.