Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.

No. 95.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to the department herewith translation of a project of law introduced in the Mexican congress on the [Page 441] 16th instant, which has for its object to place all foreigners resident in this country, except the natives of those countries that have maintained uninterrupted treaty relations with the republic, under the same obligations as Mexican citizens.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

Project of law regarding foreigners.

Congressional report–Session of March 16.

Mr. Gudiño y Gomez presented the following project of law, which was read the first time:

Article 1. Foreigners domicilated, or that in future may be domicilated in the republic, by this sole act shall be considered as Mexicans, and subject to the obligations of the latter, without the necessity of naturalization.

Art. 2. Foreigners, natives of the countries with which the republic now has uninterrupted treaties, are excepted from the dispositions of the preceding article, and will continue enjoying the privileges of their nationality authorized in the respective treaties so long as these remain in force.

Art. 3. Foreigners not comprehended in article 2 are not excepted from the provisions of article 1, even if they place themselves under the flag of friendly nations.

Art. 4. The executive will make the declarations required for the compliance with this law.


Congressional report–Session of March 18.

The project with reference to foreigners introduced by Mr. Gudiño y Gomez, published in our issue of the 17th, was read the second time.

Admitted to discussion, it was referred to the committee on foreign relations.