Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.
Sir: Since the reoccupation of this capital by the national government, and the commencement of the work of reconstruction, there have been constant rumors of changes, more or less complete, in the cabinet of President Juarez, and changes have been believed to be desirable by many of the friends of the government as well as by the opposition.
Except in the case of the minister of treasury, Mr. Iglesias, whose health has for some time interfered very much with the discharge of the duties of his office, these rumors have lacked foundation.
Upon the entry, however, of President Juarez upon his new term of office, on the 25th ultimo, all of the ministers tendered their resignations, for the purpose, as stated in their joint note, of leaving the President free to form a new cabinet if he deemed it convenient, but none of the resignations were accepted, except that of the ministry of the treasury.
I have now to report that this position has been tendered to Mr. Romero, who formally accepted the same on the 15th instant.
The note of the president and Mr. Romero’s letter of acceptance appeared in the Diario Official of last evening, and yesterday he entered upon the discharge of the duties of this important and difficult office.
In consequence of this appointment Mr. Romero has resigned the position he has so long and so worthily filled of minister from Mexico to the United States.
While this fact will, I am sure, be learned with regret by the government of the United States, his acceptance of this position in the cabinet of President Juarez I feel certain will inspire confidence not only in this country and the United States, but also in Europe.
As the correspondence published, alluded to herein, is not only honorable to Mr. Romero, but indicates the principles that will govern his action in his new position, I append a translation herewith.
So far as I have learned, it is not the intention of this government to appoint a minister at present to the United States.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.