Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have received your dispatch No. 25, of the 26th ultimo, inclosing copy of a letter addressed to the department by Mr. E. J. More, [Page 394] from Allentown, Pennsylvania, asking interposition in behalf of Captain Krauseneck, represented to have faithfully served in the Union army during our late war, and who was supposed to be in confinement at Guanajuato, having been made prisoner at Queretaro while in the service of Maximilian.
By the terms of the general-amnesty order of the 31st of October last, a copy of which was transmitted to the department with my dispatch No. 28, of the 4th ultimo, all foreign officers held as prisoners on account of service under Maximilian had their sentences commuted to banishment from the country. Under this order all such officers, or nearly all, have already left. I presume Captain Krauseneck is among the number. I will endeavor to make inquiry concerning him, and will promptly communicate any information that I may obtain to the department.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant;
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.