Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I am happy to announce that the allied, army and navy have achieved a great triumph over the dictator of Paraguay, and that in all probability the war in the river Plata is rapidly drawing to a close. Six of the iron-clads belonging to Brazil passed the fortress of Humaita on the 19th of February, and at the same time a combined attack was made by the army, which resulted in a complete victory over the enemy, and the capture of all the strongholds except Humaita, together with an enormous amount of munitions of war.
* * * * * * *
A revolution has broken out in the republic of Uruguay, and General Flores, the dictator, who had just abdicated in order that a President might be elected by the people, was assassinated in the streets by the leaders of the Blanco party. The outrage was followed by the slaying of one hundred and eighty of the Blancos; and thereupon order was restored in the city of Montevideo, where the Blancos are in a minority. In the country, however, they are in a large majority; and it would be idle to predict the final termination of this proceeding. The success of the allies against Lopez will go far towards restoring order in Uruguay. That success was most timely. Had it been delayed another three weeks at farthest, both Uruguay and the Argentine republics would have withdrawn from the alliance with Brazil.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.