Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward.
Sir: The second annual session of the Egyptian assembly of representatives was opened by the Viceroy in person, with an address, in the palace of the citadel at Cairo, on the 16th instant. The address of his Highness was read in Arabic by Kairi Bey.
It mentions among results of the preceding session, attained during the year past, the opening of government schools at Benha and Osiut, the accomplishment of the abolition of the system of the Ohdis, or [Page 158] farming out of the collection of the revenue, the continued progress of public works, and the taking of a new census, which, however, is not yet completed.
To the attention of members during the present session are recommended measures for conservation of public health, for preventing deterioration in the cotton culture of the country, and for promoting the interests of agriculture in general, canals, dikes, and bridges, as well as the perfection of the system established last year for the collection of taxes by monthly installments.
The president of the assembly for this session is Abdallah Pacha.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.