Mr. Morris to Mr.
No. 272.]
Legation of the United States,
October 29, 1868.
Sir: Having on a previous occasion reported the
reply of Fuad Pasha to my application for permission for Admiral
Farragut’s flag-ship, the Franklin, to pass the Dardanelles, I have now
the honor to transmit inclosed translated copies of my two notes on this
subject, and also the circular dispatch of his Highness Fuad Pasha to
the representatives of the powers parties to the treaty of Paris of
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Morris to Fuad Pasha.
August 18, 1868.
Highness: The flag-ship of Admiral Farragut
having arrived at the Dardanelles, I have the honor to solicit that
permission be granted to said vessel to pass the straits. Although
vessels of war of the size of the Franklin are excluded from the
straits by the existing treaties, exceptions have been made from
time to time in favor of such Vessels, when having on board a prince
of royal blood. Hereditary dignities do not exist in the United
States. If these exceptions are exclusively confined to princes of
the blood, the historical personages of the United States cannot
profit by the same, and an invidious distinction will thus be
established against them by the Porte.
Admiral Farragut is the officer of highest rank in the American navy,
and the most distinguished. His achievements in the late civil war
greatly contributed to the salvation of his country and to the
preservation of the American Union against its enemies.
[Page 118]
His fame has become
cosmopolitan, and he has been received in all the courts of Europe
with princely honors. Sovereigns have granted him extraordinary
honors, regarding rather the facts of his history than his rank.
Admiral Farragut having been received with such distinction
elsewhere, I venture to hope that his Majesty the Sultan, with his
usual appreciation of distinguished exploits and services, will
accord to him the exception heretofore only made in favor of
The admiral desires to bring the Franklin to Constantinople
exclusively for purposes of courtesy to a power with which the
United States has always maintained the best relations, and with
which it seeks to remain on the most friendly terms.
I beg your Highness to do me the honor to submit these considerations
to his Majesty the Sultan, and to assure him that the concession of
the desired permission will be regarded as a compliment to the
American people, and to one of its most faithful and distinguished
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your highness the
assurances of my perfect consideration.
Mr. Morris to Fuad Pasha.
August 23, 1868.
Highness: I have had the honor to receive
the note by which you inform me that his Majesty the Sultan has
granted permission for the passage of the Dardanelles to the
flag-ship of Admiral Farragut. This exception to the provisions of
the treaties relative to vessels of war which are allowed to pass
the straits in time of peace will be esteemed as a proof of regard
for the republic of the United States, and for the gallant officer
who so worthily sustained the honor of its flag during the recent
civil war. It will give me much pleasure to communicate this
friendly proceeding to my government. It will, I am sure, have a
tendency to improve the good understanding so happily existing
between the two countries.
I avail myself, &c., &c.,
Circular dispatch of Fuad Pacha to the
representatives of the poivers parties to the treaty of Paris
of 1856.
The flag-ship of Admiral Farragut having arrived at the Dardanelles,
the United States legation, admitting the principle of the closing
of the straits as established by the treaties, has expressed to us
the desire that the said vessel should be permitted to pass through
the straits to Constantinople. The dimensions of the naval vessel in
question are, it is true, beyond the limitations stipulated in the
treaty of Paris; but his Imperial Majesty the Sultan, wishing to
testify his regard for the great American republic, and to see this
magnificent frigate, has for this purpose, and in a manner
altogether exceptional, granted the requested permission. I have
deemed it my duty to bring this fact to the knowledge of the
representatives of the powers parties to the above treaty, and I beg
them to take notice of the exceptional character of the granted
authorization, which, I have no doubt, they will find sufficiently