Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh
Sir: I have received your despatch No. 24, dated the 18th of May last. With it you transmit copy of a letter addressed to you by the Gorogio, and of your reply thereto, concerning the proposed sending by the Japanese government of envoys to Corea with the object of preventing for the future such a wrong as is represented to have been committed during a recent war in that country upon American citizens.
This friendly proceeding of the Japanese government is highly appreciated, and you are instructed to return suitable thanks therefor. You will also make [Page 47] known to me the result of the Tycoon’s laudable efforts to promote peace in that part of the world.
It is deemed proper to add that the government of the United States will feel obliged, should no satisfactory explanation or apology be furnished by Corea, to consider how proper reparation can be obtained and honor maintained.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
R. B. Van Valkenburgh, Esq., &c., &c., &c.