Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh

No. 21.]

Sir: Your despatch No. 26, of the 18th of May last, on the subject of certain appointments of consular officers in Japan, has been received.

In reply I have to inform you that a copy of the despatch will be submitted to the proper committees of Congress, in order that salaries may be provided for the consulate to which you refer, and appointments made to fill them. It is not likely, however, that Congress will dispose of the subject at this present session. Still, as it may be desirable to have consular officers at these ports in advance of the decision of Congress, the consul nearest to them may appoint consular agents, who may act until consuls regularly appointed can enter upon their duties.

The selection of such consular agents, if approved by the minister, would be approved by the department.

American citizens who are residing or engaged in business in Japan should be selected. The fees they would receive would be their compensation.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


R. B. Van Valkenburgh, Esq., &c., &c., &c.