Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward
Mexican Legation to the United States
of America,
December 27, 1866.
Mr. Secretary: Referring myself to the note
which I had the honor to address to the department, dated 5th
October last, in relation to the answer I gave to an inquiry of
General Regales, chief of the army of the centre of the republic of
Mexico, about a continuation of hostilities against the forces
invading Mexico, I have now the satisfaction of sending you copy of
a communication which I have received from Mr. Lerdo de Tejada,
minister of foreign relations of the constitutional government of
the republic, dated at Chihuahua on the 16th of November last past,
and marked No. 502, in which are approved the instructions I gave on
that occasion to General Regules.
I avail of the occasion to renew to you, Mr. Secretary, the
assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
Hon. William H. Seward,
&c., &c., &c.
Department of Foreign Relations and Government–Department of
Relations, American section, No. 502.
November 16, 1866.
With your notes Nos, 660 and 679, dated 5th and 12th of October
last, you sent me a copy of a communication which was addressed
to you by General Regules, chief of the army of the centre,
about the conduct of the French along the line of his command,
and a copy of the reply you gave him, as well as copies also of
the note in which you gave notice of the former to Mr. Seward,
and of his reply.
The President of the republic, being informed of these, has
approved of what you say to General Regules about the
compromises of the French government with that of the United
States as to the non-continuance of intervention in Mexico,
which are not compromises in which the government of the
republic has taken part, and in no way affect the war which the
forces of the republic must continue to carry on as before
against the invading forces. When there is occasion you can
communicate to General Regules that the government has approved
your answer, and, in view of it, have considered it unnecessary
to address to him a communication of like import on said
I protest to you my respectful consideration.
Citizen Matias Romero,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary at Washington.