Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward,

No. 30.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Kamehameha V, King of the Hawaiian Islands, has appointed Eugene M. Van Reed, esq., an American citizen, long resident in Yokohama, a commissioner for the purpose of negotiating, on the part of the Hawaiian government, a treaty with the Tycoon of Japan.

Mr. Van Reed is now engaged with commissioners appointed on the part of the Japanese government in agreeing upon the terms of such treaty, and I have no doubt will soon complete his labors.

Hostilities have not again commenced between the Tycoon and Choshu, although I am informed that the armistice has ceased, and that no arrangement has been arrived at between the opposing parties. The Tycoon still remains at Kioto, and it is not known when he will return to this city.

A proclamation has been issued by the Tycoon, permitting the members of the Gorogio, and other high officials, to visit the foreign representatives at their legations, and also to receive them socially at their private houses. This has been one of the results of the visit to Osacca, and in pursuance of it Inoweye Kawatsi No Kami, President of the Gorogio at Yedo, and two of his official associates, breakfasted with me last week at the legation. This innovation upon their previous customs shows the progress this people are making in civilization.

The crops of barley and wheat, now nearly ready for harvesting, are very fine—could scarcely be better. The time for the transplanting of rice, upon which the people depend for food, has not yet arrived, but the weather, so far this spring and summer, has been very propitious, and an abundant crop is looked for.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.