Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward

No. 25.]

Sir: Referring to department despatch No. 8, of the 30th of July last, to Mr. Otterbourg, and to his in reply, No. 13, of the 8th ultimo, I have now the honor to state that, having made a personal application, with the consent of Mr. Lerdo de Tejada, to General Mejia, the minister of war, the request contained in the said despatch, made at the solicitation of Senator Cole, of California, has been granted, as I have this evening received a note from the minister of war, in which he states as follows:

At your recommendation the penalty of imprisonment of Comandante Ignacio Sepulveda has been commuted to banishment from the republic, and tomorrow the requisite orders will be issued.

That individual will, therefore, now be able to return to his family in California.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.