Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb

No. 13.]

Sir: I have received despatch No. 18 from Marcus Otterbourg, esq,, late United States minister in Mexico, which-bears the date of the 20th of September. Mr. Otterbourg has transmitted with that despatch a copy of the correspondence which took place between himself and Mr. Lerdo de Tejada, minister of foreign relations of Mexico, on the subject of applications made to him by the late representatives of France and Belgium in Mexico that he would extend the protection of the United States flag to the subjects of these countries resident in Mexico, in the absence of their representatives.

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I notice that Mr. Lerdo de Tejada expressed himself on this subject to Mr. Otterbourg in this wise, namely: That desirous to avoid all danger of disturbing the friendly relations toward the United States, he, Mr. Lerdo de Tejada, thought that Mr. Otterbourg should not interpose any mediation of an official character in the instance in which the subjects of France and Belgium were desirous to protect their interests; nevertheless, if Mr. Otterbourg desired to interpose good offices privately, the government would attend to them with all possible consideration. Mr. Lerdo de Tejada added, that foreigners residing in Mexico who have no representatives of their governments are there under the protection of the Mexican authorities, and can recur to them with confidence that they will enjoy the guarantees that the laws of the republic concede.

You will respect the wishes of the government of Mexico in this matter, and will lend your good offices to the subjects of France and Belgium in that country under the instructions heretofore given you, in such manner, whether public and official or private and unofficial, as shall be most acceptable to the government of the republic.

The substance of this instruction will be communicated by this department to the governments of France and Belgium respectively for their information.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Edward L. Plumb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.