Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward

No. 22.]

Sir: As the department is doubtless already advised, a special mission has been sent to this country by the government of Bolivia, to congratulate President Juarez upon the triumph recently obtained by this republic, in the defence of its independence and republican institutions.

This mission reached here by way of Acapulco from Panama, a few days before my arrival, and the envoy, Señor Don Quentin Quevedo, a distinguished citizen of Bolivia, who is accompanied by a full suite, was received by President Juarez on the 7th instant.

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The presence of the mission here has elicited very general demonstrations of a friendly character in its regard, and last evening, in view of Señor Quevedo’s early departure, a grand banquet in his honor was given by the President of the republic in the national palace, to which I was invited, and at which were present all the principal personages of the several departments of the government, and a large number of the most distinguished citizens of Mexico, now present at the capital.

The occasion was marked by the expression of great good feeling as regards the relations between the different American States, and very gratifying allusions were made to the United States, and to the fraternal feeling that has been manifested by the government and people of the United States towards Mexico, throughout the whole of the severe struggle in which this republic has lately been engaged.

To these allusions, in a few words at a proper moment, I returned my acknowledgments, and at the same time expressed my satisfaction, as the representative of the United States, in being present on such an occasion.

Señor Queveda intends to leave here on the 8th proximo for Havana and St. Thomas, on his way to Brazil, to which country he has been accredited by his government as minister plenipotentiary. His secretary of legation and son precede him a few days in their departure, and go by way of New York, whence they propose to take the steamer tor Brazil the 21st November.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.