Mr. Plumb to Mr.
No. 21.]
Legation of the United States,
City of Mexico,
October 22, 1867.
Sir: The polite note of which the enclosed is a
copy reached me by the last mail.
As without instructions I do not feel at liberty, even under the
circumstances of the proposed charge of the interests of French subjects
in this country, to enter into any direct correspondence with any
foreign government except that to which I am accredited, I think it my
duty to transmit this copy of the note to the department, that it may be
there acknowledged, or such instructions be given to me as may be deemed
necessary under the circumstances.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
M. La Valette to Mr. Plumb
September 5, 1867,
Sir: The government of the United States,
acceding to the request which I addressed to it in the name of the
government of the emperor, has pleased to accept the protection of
the interests of French subjects in Mexico.
I already know with what courtesy you have consented to take charge
of this mission, and the benevolent disposition that you have
already evinced in this respect to M. Berthemy, before your
departure from Washington. I hasten to send you my thanks therefor,
and to tell you how much I congratulate myself on the relations
which this circumstance puts us in position to hold with you.
I earnestly desire to lighten as much as possible the cares which
this protection will be of a nature to add to your occupations. For
this purpose, so soon as Mr. Dano shall have returned to France I
will have an understanding with him, to designate, if he has not
already done so himself before his departure, a person who can in
friendly guise assist you in the labors of the chancery relative to our affairs. I will have the
honor of writing to you by one of the earliest couriers.
Accept, sir, the assurances of the very distinguished consideration
with which I have the honor to be your very humble and very obedient
LA VALETTE, The Minister of the Interior
in charge ad interim with the Ministry of Foreign
Mr. Plumb,
Chargé d’ Affaires of the United States of
America to Mexico.