Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb
Sir: In a report dated June 23d last, Commander F. A. Roe, of the United States steamer Tacony, then lying off Sacrificios, Mexico, informed the Secretary of the Navy that, at the request of the commander of the Austrian corvette Elizabeth, he had addressed a communication to President Juarez, asking that the remains of the deceased Prince Maximilian might be delivered on board the Elizabeth for the purpose of being conveyed to Austria.
On your arrival in Mexico you are instructed to inquire, in kindly and [Page 453] respectful terms, whether any answer has been returned to the communication of Commander Roe, and if not, whether one may soon be expected. For your further information I transmit a copy of the* letter of Commander Roe to President Juarez.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
E. L. Plumb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
- For this enclosure see enclosure to despatch from Mr. Plumb, No. 33, of the 9th November, 1867.↩