Mr. Seward to Mr. Garcia.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 23d instant, inquiring as to the conduct which, during the war between Peru and Spain, which has unhappily been resumed, will be observed by the government of the United States, in respect to the vessels of the Peruvian or of the Spanish navy, and in respect to cruisers of either of the belligerents, which may arrive on the coasts or in the ports of this country.

In reply I have the honor to inform you that, during the war referred to, this government will observe the neutrality which is enjoined by its own municipal [Page 663] law, and by the law of nations. No armed vessel of either party will be allowed to bring their prizes into the ports of the United States.

I avail myself of this occasion to offer to you a renewed assurance of my high consideration.


Señor Don José Antonio Garcia y Garcia, &c., &c., &c.