Papers relating to foreign affairs.


[Page II] [Page III] [Page IV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
11 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Dec. 13 Criminals sent to the United States 1
12 do Dec. 16 Extradition treaty. Its revision 1
18 do Jan. 20 Opening of Prussian Chambers. Address of Count Bismarck, &c. 2
19 do Jan. 25 Case of Jacob Carl Brieger 4
20 do Feb. 7 The situation in Prussia. Political changes 5
21 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. Feb. 16 Naturalized citizens held to military service. Messrs. Striebg and Erk. 6
21 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Feb. 24 Dissolution of the Prussian Landtag. The situation. France and Austria. Russia. Mexico and Maximilian. 7
22 do Mar. 7 Same subject. New line of steamers. Hamburg. 9
23 do Mar. 14 The congress at Paris. The Danubian principalities. The Schleswig-Holstein question. 9
24 do Mar. 21 Naturalized citizens of the United States held to military duty in Prussia. Commercial and extradition treaties. Warlike demonstrations between Prussia and Austria. 10
25 do Mar. 31 Schleswig-Holstein question 12
28 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. April 9 Naturalized citizens of the United States held to military service in Prussia. 12
26 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. April 11 The Austro-Prussian difficulty. The German confederacy. Its dissolution probable. 13
28 do April 18 Naturalized citizens of the United States held to military service in Prussia. Case of Simon Israel. The Austro-Prussian difficulty. 15
29 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. April 25 Claim of Henry Schoenfeld against government of Hesse-Cassel. 17
29 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. April 26 Case of Frederick Boettcher, held to military duty. Simon Israel. Emigration from Germany. 18
30 do May 3 The Austro-Prussian difficulty. France and Italy. The situation. 18
32 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. May 8 Case of Simon Israel, held to military duty in Prussia. 20
31 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. May 9 The Austro-Prussian difficulty. Dissolution of the Landtag. Attack upon Count Bismarck. 21
32 do May 17 The Austro-Prussian difficulty. Financial and political situation. 22
33 do May 24 Same subject 24
34 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. May 29 The Austro-Prussian difficulty. Attack on Count Bismarck. 24
34 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. May 31 The same subject 25
35 do June 7 Baron Von Der Heydt, minister of finance. Cases of Otto Erk, Carl Brieger, and Philip Jacobson. Captain Semmes. Elections. The situation of Austria and Prussia. 25
38 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. June 14 Hostilities between Austria and Prussia 28
38 do June 21 Attack upon Count Bismarck. Cases of Simon Israel and Henry Rust. The war between Prussia and Austria. 30
39 do June 28 Cases of Matthias Weiner, Schoenfeld, and Francis Benndorf. The war between Prussia and Austria. 30
40 do July 2 Same subject 32
41 do July 5 Cession of Venetia by Austria to France. The war. Royal decree relative to merchant vessels. 32
40 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. July 5 Frederick Klein held to military duty in Prussia. 33
42 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. July 9 Defeat of Austrian army at Sadowa. The King of Prussia’s telegram to the Queen. 34
43 do July 12 The war between Prussia and Austria 35
44 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. July 21 The war between Prussia and Austria. Armistice. 36
41 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. July 25 John Henry Olfers held to military service in Prussia. 36
45 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. July 26 Terms for settlement of difficulties between Prussia and Austria. 37
46 do Aug. 2 Armistice extended for thirty days 38
47 do Aug. 6 Simon Israel pardoned. The King’s address to the Chambers. German confederacy and situation. 38
48 do Aug. 9 The situation in Prussia 39
1 Mr. J. C. Wright to Mr. Seward. Aug. 15 Same subject. Election of Herr Von Forekenbeek as president of the lower house of Parliament. Death of Prince Anton Von Hohenzollern from wounds at the battle of Sadowa. 40
2 do Aug. 20 Annexation of Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, and Frankfort-on-the-Main to Prussia. The situation generally. 40
3 do Aug. 27 The treaty of peace between Prussia and Austria. Its terms. 41
50 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Sept. 3 The political situation in Prussia. Arrest of Bergen and Müller. 41
51 do Sept. 6 Treaty of peace between Prussia and Austria. Parliament. 43
52 do Sept. 17 Relations of Prussia and Russia. Legislation. Reception of Prussian army in Berlin. 45
45 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Wright. Sept. 22 Case of S. Phillips, held to military service in the Prussian army. 45
47 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. Sept. 24 The situation in Prussia. Treaty of peace between Prussia and Austria. Arrest of Bergen and Müller. Compulsory military service question. 46
53 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Sept. 24 Reception of the army in Berlin. Amnesty proclaimed. Count Bismarck’s promotion as general. German Parliament. Mr. G. V. Fox’s visit to Kiel. 47
54 do Oct. 4 Mr. G. V. Fox’s visit to Kiel. Admiral Prince Adalbert visits the “Miantonomoh.” Political events. 48
56 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Oct. 22 The case of Bergen and Müller 49
49 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Wright. Oct. 29 Frederick Boettener held to military service in Prussia. 50
57 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Nov. 1 The treaty of peace between Prussia and Saxony. The growth of Prussia, &c. 51
60 do Nov. 26 The proposed new Parliament. The financial question. 52


[Page V]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
321 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Dec. 11 Death of King Leopold I 53
322 do Dec. 11 Same subject 55
323 do Dec. 14 Same subject 56
323½ do Dec. 19 Same subject 56
324 do Dec. 19 Inauguration of King Leopold II 57
325 do Dec. 21. Same subject. Festivities 58
326 do Dec. 23 Financial measures adopted. Political questions in Belgium. 59
191 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Sanford. Jan. 9 Death of Leopold I and inauguration of his son King Leopold II. 60
337 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Jan. 23 The cattle plague. Preventive measures adopted. 60
339 do Feb. 5 Mission of Baron Beaulieu to Washington 61
340 do Feb. 5 The cattle plague. Preventive measures adopted. 61
341 do Feb. 5 Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation between Belgium and China. 62
342 do Feb. 12 Mission of Baron Beaulieu to Washington 62
344 do Feb. 12 The cattle plague. Preventive measures adopted. 63
348 do Feb. 20 Mission of Baron Beaulieu to Washington 64
357 do May 3 Return of Baron Beaulieu from his mission to Washington. Special mission of General Forey to Mexico and return. 64
358 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. May 8 Legislation. The Chambers. Universal suffrage agitated. Elections. The King on a tour. He visits the principal cities. 65
359 do May 8 The war between Prussia and Austria. Position of Belgium. 65
365 do June — The cattle plague. Sanitary measures 66
366 do June 14 Result of the elections. Complexion of the cabinet. 67
367 do June 14 The position of France relative to the pretensions of Italy and Prussia. Military preparations in Belgium. 67
370 do July 7 Marriage of the Princess Helena. Relations of Belgium and Great Britain. Cession of Venetia by Austria to France. The war between Austria and Prussia. Armistice. 68
371 do July 21 The King on a tour of his kingdom 69
373 do July 31 The political situation of Europe 69
377 do Aug. 21 Relations of France and Prussia. Question of annexing territory to the former. 70
383 do Sept. 29 The President’s letters of condolence on the death of Leopold I. Mr. Sanford presents his credentials to Leopold II as minister resident. 70
207 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Sanford. Nov. 3. Same subject 71
389 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Nov. 15 Opening of Parliament by the King. Address of the King and reply of the senate. 71
390 do Nov. 16 Count de Casabianca’s comparison of the Belgian, French, and British revenue systems. 72
393 do Dec. 3 Address of the house of representatives to the King. Critical condition of European politics. Organization of the army. Return of Belgian legion from Mexico. 89


[Page VI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
367 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Dec. 8 Law relative to exportation of wines 90
371 do Dec. 28 Disappearance of the cholera 90
374 do Jan. 13 Military revolt in Spain 91
375 do Jan. 20 Same subject 91
376 do Jan. 27 Same subject. Surrender of General Prim to Portugal. 93
377 do Jan. 31 Arrival of General Prim at Lisbon. Political condition of Spain. The revolt. 93
382 do Feb. 22 Manifesto of General Prim, and its effect in Portugal. 94
382½ do Feb. 22 Celebration of the 22d February at Lisbon 95
387 do March 30 Reception of a minister from Maximilian, of Mexico. The diplomatic corps. 95
389 do April 11 The African fever on board the United States steamer Kearsarge. 97
391 do April 21 Same subject 98
392 do April 26 Restrictions placed on the Kearsarge 99
400 do June 24 Disturbed condition of Europe. Military precautions. 102
401 do July 9 Neutrality of Portugal in the European complications. 104
405 do Oct. 8 The situation in Europe. The eastern question. 105
414 do Nov. 17 Pursuit of John H. Surratt 106
418 do Nov. 24 Railroad between Lisbon and Madrid 107


[Page VII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
131 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Mar. 18 Death of Prince Otho, youngest son of the King. 108
137 do April 30 Relations of Prussia, Italy, and Austria. Preparations for war. 108
138 do May 7 Same subject 109
139 do May 15 Same subject 109
140 do May 21 Same subject 110
141 do May 28 Same subject 111
143 do June 20 The ministry. Declaration of war against Austria. Finances. 112
144 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. July 2 The war with Austria 113
153 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Aug. 13 Relations of Italy and Austria. An armistice and its conditions, The French mediation. 113
154 do Aug. 18 The Austro-Prussian peace and Italy. Cession of Venetia by Austria. 114
156 do Aug. 25 Reports of the battles of Custorra and Lissa. Strength of the Italian and Austrian squadrons compared. 116
157 do Aug. 27 Treaty of peace between Prussia and Austria. Its conditions. Venetia ceded to Italy. Its reorganization. 118
166 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Oct. 6 Forced loans levied on United States citizens. 119
158 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. Oct. 27 Same subject 120
167 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Nov. 13 Entry of the King in Venice, and his reception. The Roman question. Financial condition of Italy. 120
163 do Nov. 18 Pursuit of John H. Surratt 121
169 do Nov. 24 Same subject 125


[Page VIII] [Page IX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
30 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. Dec. 18 Interviews with his Holiness the Pope. Friendly feeling towards the United States. 127
47 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. Jan. 4 Assassination of President Lincoln. Christmas ceremonies in Rome. Opinions of the Pope relative to the situation in the United States. Disappearance of the cholera. Arrival of new ministers at Rome. Condition of the Papal States. 127
52 do April 4 Ceremonies of the Holy Week. The finances. Rupture between Prussia and Austria. Position of the papal government. Views respecting the United States. 128
53 do April 23 H. B. St. Marie and the pursuit of John H. Surratt. 129
54 do May 11 Same subject 129
35 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. King. May 21 H. B. St. Marie and the pursuit of John H. Surratt. 130
36 do May 24 Same subject 131
55 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. June 4 The questions at issue between Austria, Prussia, and Italy. Three new cardinals to be created. Celebration of Corpus Christi. 132
56 do June 19 H. B. St. Marie and the pursuit of John H. Surratt. 133
57 do June 23 Relations of Prussia, Austria, and Italy. Friendly feeling towards the United States. Anniversary of the coronation of the Pope. St. Marie, Surratt, and Weichmann. 133
Prvt do June 30 Relative to St. Marie 135
59 do July 14 Sworn statement of St. Marie relative to John H. Surratt. 135
Prvt di July 14 Relative to St. Marie 136
40 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. July 16 Same subject 137
60 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. July 24 The Austro-Prussian war and its results. The situation of the Papal States and status of Rome. European complications. Views and opinions of his Holiness the Pope and the cardinal secretary of state. 137
62 do Aug. 8 H. B. St. Marie and the pursuit of John H. Surratt. 139
41 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. Aug. 15 Same subject 139
43 do Oct. 16 Same subject 139
65 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. Nov. 2 Same subject 140
Prvt do Nov. 3 Same subject 141
66 do Nov. 10 Same subject 141
67 do Nov. 19 Same subject 143
68 do Nov. 20 Same subject 145
68 bis do Nov. 26 Same subject 145
44 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. Nov. 26 Same subject 147
47 do Nov. 30 Same subject 147
48 do Nov. 30 Regulations of the department 148
70 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. Dec. 2 Arrest of John H. Surratt at Alexandria, Egypt. 148
49 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. Dec. 4 Arrest of John H. Surratt at Alexandria, Egypt. 149


[Page X]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
5 Mr. Yeaman to Mr. Seward. Dec. 22 Proposed change in the constitution. Effect of the President’s message in Europe. 150
7 do Jan. 19 Abolition of slavery in the United States. Restoration of civil authority and peace in the United States—how viewed in Europe. 151
10 do Mar. 3 The piratical cruiser Stonewall 151
11 Mr. Seward to Mr. Yeaman. Mar. 26 Same subject 153
13 Mr. Yeaman to Mr. Seward. April 23 Same subject. The war between Prussia and Austria. 153
14 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Yeaman. May 18 The piratical cruiser Stonewall. Political affairs in Denmark. 155
19 Mr. Yeaman to Mr. Seward. June 9 The threatening war complications. Position of Denmark. The grand duke of Russia visits the court. 155
20 do June 19 The war between Prussia and Austria 156
21 do June 22 Same subject. Military preparations. Ratification and adoption of the new constitution. 157
23 do July 3 The situation in Europe 158
25 do July 20 Policy of Denmark with respect to freedmen in the West India islands. 159
26 do July 27 Propositions for peace by Napoleon 165
28 do Aug. 1 The Miantonomoh a: Copenhagen. Attentions paid to Mr. G. V. Fox. 166
32 do Aug. 16 The new constitution of Denmark. Complication between France and Prussia. 168
34 do Sept. 5 Treat of peace between Austria and Prussia, and its conditions. 170
35 Mr. Yeaman to Mr. Seward. Sept. 22 Marriage of the Princess Dagmar to the grand duke of Russia. Schleswig question. Reorganization of the Danish army. 170
39 do Oct. 22 Schleswig question. France and Russia— their schemes. 171
40 do Nov. 1 Relations of Prussia and Sweden. Complications in Europe. The intervention in Mexico. 172
41 do Nov. 13 Opening of the Danish Congress. The King’s speech. 173


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
35 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Dec. 13 Adoption of the reform bill 176
37 do Jan. 15 Reported negotiations between Russia and Sweden and Norway for cession of territory. The fishery question. 177
45 do July 18 Industrial exhibition at Stockholm 178
48 do Oct. 1 The Miantonomoh at Stockholm. Attentions paid to Mr. G. V. Fox. 179
35 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Oct. 23 Same subject 181


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
7 Mr. Harrington to Mr. Seward. Feb. 17 Emigration to the United States 182
9 do May 23 Invitation to the United States to become a party to the convention for the amelioration of sufferings of wounded soldiers. 184
16 do Nov. 3 The cattle plague. Sanitary measures adopted. 185


[Page XI] [Page XII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
67 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Dec. 5 Relations of the United States and Japan. The sanctions to the treaties of the Mikado. The opening of Hiogo and the city of Osacca within a period to be fixed by agreement. The regularization of import duties on a uniform basis. 180
68 do Dec. 6 Publication of the ratification of the treaties by the Mikado. 193
69 do Dec. 7 Same subject 194
70 do Dec. 16 Same subject 195
71 do Dec. 29 Same subject 196
2 do Jan. 8 Assassination of President Lincoln. Condolences. 197
11 Mr. Seward to Mr. Portman. Feb. 10 Japanese indemnity. Co-operation of Great Britain with the United States in its settlement, &c. 198
7 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Feb. 15 The Simonoseki indemnity. The rebellion in Japan. Condition of affairs. 198
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Portman. Feb. 20 The Simonoseki indemnity 199
10 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Mar. 20 Revision of the tariff. Necessity for a marine hospital at Yokohama. 200
13 do April 11 The Simonoseki indemnity 201
14 bis do April 14 Same subject 202
15 do April 16 Same subject 203
19 do April 22 Same subject 204
23 do May 29 Same subject 205
28 do June 1 Japanese permitted to visit foreign countries. Passport system established. 208
20 Mr. Seward to Mr. Portman. July 14 The Simonoseki indemnity 209
20 bis do July 18 Same subject 210
21 do July 18 Same subject 210
4 Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. July 27 Italian scientific exploration of the Indian, Chinese, and Japanese seas. 210
33 Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. Sept. 18 The rebellion in Japan. Interview of British minister with the Prince Choshu. 21
39 Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. Sept. 20 The rebellion in Japan 214
41 do Sept. 27 Illness and reported death of the Tycoon. The rebellion. 219
42 do Sept. 28 Italian scientific exploration. Intercourse between Japan and foreign powers. 220
46 do Oct. 6 Death of the Tycoon—September 28, 1868. Prince Hitotsbasi, his successor. 222
50 do Oct. 15 The rebellion. Death of the Tycoon 223
53 do Oct. 26 The Simonoseki indemnity 223
54 do Nov. 5 An armistice between the contending forces for fifty days. Riots at Yedo. People suffering for want of provisions. 226
56 do Nov. 10 The passport system 227

NOTE.—For remainder of Index of Japan see page XXXIII.


[Page XIII] [Page XIV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
135 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Dec. 15 Regulations relative to tobacco in the Ottoman empire. 228
100 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Dec. 18 Re-enforcements for Mexico 230
136 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Dec. 23 The cholera. Sanitary measures 230
137 do Jan. 5 Condition of the Turkish navy 231
138 do Jan. 10 Outrage upon two American missionaries in Syria. Punishment of the murderers of Rev. Mr. Coffing. 232
142 do Feb. 1 Re-enforcements for Mexico 234
144 do Feb. 17 The cholera. Insurrection in Syria 235
145 do Feb. 28 Commerce of the United States in the Black sea. Shipwrecked seamen and their protection. 236
146 do Feb. 28 Deposition of Prince Couza in the Danubian principalities. Population and productions of the same. The war in Syria. The finances of Turkey. 237
148 do Mar. 9 Abolition of slavery in the United States 238
149 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Mar. 17 The cholera. International conference. Its sessions and results. 239
109 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Mar. 31 Protection of commerce in the Black sea. Internal administration of Turkey. 239
150 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. April 11 Condition of the Danubian principalities. The Schleswig-Holstein question. The war between Prussia and Austria. Russia and Turkey. Finances. 240
151 do April 25 Questions of religious controversy 241
152 do May 17 War in central Europe. The Danubian principalities and their complications. The Ottoman navy. Internal affairs in Turkey. 241
153 do May 22 The succession to the throne of Egypt. The tribute of Egypt to the Porte. 242
154 do May 22 The Danubian principalities. Movements of the Turkish army. 244
156 do May 25 Same subject. Views of Russia, France, and Great Britain. 244
157 do June 8 Changes in the Cabinet of Turkey. Question of the Danubian principalities. Critical state of the Turkish empire. 245
158 bis do June 27 The succession to the throne of Egypt 246
160 do July 4 Reception of the diplomatic corps. Interview with the Sultan. 247
161 do July 9 The Danubian principalities and their complications. French, Prussian, and Italian instigations. Public feeling in Greece. Position of the province of Montenegro. Religious questions. Troubles in Syria. The war in Europe and its results. 248
162 do July 13 The finances of the Turkish empire. Prince Hohenzollern as hospodar of Moldavia and Wallachia. His recognition of the Sultan. 250
164 do Aug. 3 The new constitution of the Danubian principalities. 250
169 do Sept. 20 Visit of the United States ship Ticonderoga. Attentions paid to her officers, &c. 252
119 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Sept. 25 Condition of the inhabitants of Crete 253
170 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Sept. 29 Same subject. Relations of the Hellenic government and that of Turkey. 253
173 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Nov. 2 Recognition of Prince Hohenzollern as hospodar of the Danubian principalities. His friendly disposition to the United States. The Russian and Turkish question. 254
174 do Nov. 2 Condition of affairs in Crete 255
177 do Nov. 15 Reappearance of the cholera 256
179 do Nov. 22 Affairs in Candia and Crete. Sufferings of the Cretans. 256
181 do Nov. 30 American emigrants in Palestine 257


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
17 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Dec. 14 Re-enforcements for Mexico. Position of France on the question. 259
49 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Dec. 25 The cholera in Egypt. Deaths 260
52 do Jan. 18 Re-enforcements for Mexico. No more troops to be sent. 264
53 do Feb. 24 Celebration of the 22d of February 265
55 do April 30 The festival of Courvan Beiram. Construction of the Suez canal. Its complications and difficulties. 266
56 do May 4 Violence in the public streets of Alexandria. Preventive measures. 269
57 do June 2 Succession to the throne of Egypt. Construction of the Suez canal. 272
59 do June 25 Return of the Pacha to Alexandria. Festivities. Panic in England and its effects. The Pacha’s reply to the consular corps. 273
63 do Oct. 17 Visit of the United States ship Ticonderoga to Alexandria. Festivities. 274
66 do Nov. 27 Pursuit and arrest of John H. Surratt 275
Do Dec. 2 (Telegram.) Same subject 276
Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Dec. 3 (Telegram.) Same subject 276
25 do Dec. 4 Same subject 276
68 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Dec. 4 Same subject 277


[Page XV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
145 Mr. Kirk to Mr. Seward. Dec. 27 The war against Paraguay. The war between Chili and Spain. 278
152 do Feb. 24 Same subject. Battle of Paso de la Patria... 278
155 do Mar. 12 The war against Paraguay. Mr. Washburn leaves for Corrientes. 279
156 do April 11 Same subject 280
104 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kirk. April 21 Mr. Washburn detained at Corrientes by the allied armies. 280
158 Mr. Kirk to Mr. Seward. April 25 The war against Paraguay. Detention of Mr. Washburn at Corrientes. 281
159 do May 5 Bombardment of Valparaiso 281
161 do May 12 Opening of the Congress of the republic. The Vice President’s message. Relations with the United States. 282
165 do May 29 Celebration of Independence Day. Resignation of Vice President Paz not accepted by Congress. The war against Paraguay. 283
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. June 27 Mr. Washburn detained and prevented from reaching Asuncion by the allied army. Instructions. 284
166 Mr. Kirk to Mr. Seward. July 7 Celebration of the fourth of July. Friendly feelings of the Argentine Republic toward the United States. 285
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. Sept. 24 Mr. Washburn detained and prevented from reaching Asuncion by the allied army. Instructions enclosed. 285
12 do Oct. 15 Tender of good offices by the United States to put an end to the war in Paraguay. 286
8 Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 Presentation and acceptance of his credentials as United States minister. 286
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. Oct. 22 Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. 288
9 Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. Oct. 24 His recognition as minister of the United States to Argentine Republic. Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. His letter of the 22d October to the minister for foreign affairs on same subject. 288
10 do Oct. 25 Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. 295
11 do Oct. 27 Same subject 297
14 do Nov. 19 Same subject 298


[Page XVI] [Page XVII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
5 Mr. Lidgerwood to Mr. Seward. Jan. 2 Immigration to Brazil from the southern States. 300
7 do Mar. 3 The Florida affair settled 301
169 Mr. Seward to Mr. Lidgerwood. April 18 Same subject 302
10 Mr. Lidgerwood to Mr. Seward. May 4 Birth of a son to the Duke and Duchess of Saxe. Capture of the Peruvian iron-clad Huascar by the Spanish polacca Dorothea. Coast trade of Brazil. The war with Paraguay. Address of the Emperor Don Pedro II to the Chambers. 302
11 do June 2 The Florida affair. Coast telegraphic line of Brazil. Commercial relations. Immigration to Brazil. War with Paraguay. Steamship line from New York to Rio de Janeiro. 305
171 Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. June 27 Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. Instructions. 306
12 Mr. Lidgerwood to Mr. Seward. July 2 The Florida affair. Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. 307
14 do July 5 Exploration of the Amazon river by Professor Louis F. Agassiz. 309
15 do July 8 Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. 312
16 do July 9 Same subject 312
174 Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. July 28 Same subject 313
17 Mr. Lidgerwood to Mr. Seward. July 31 Same subject 313
18 do Aug. 1 The Florida affair 317
19 do Aug. 1 The war with Paraguay. The cabinet 318
13 Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. Aug. 7 Same subject. The Monroe doctrine. Mediation recommended. 320
14 do Aug. 24 Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. Relations with Brazil. 321
Do Sept. 19 (Telegram.) Detention of Mr. Washburn 323
180 I Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. Sept, 23 Same subject 324
16 Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. Sept. 24 The Nebo claim. The war with Paraguay. High price of labor in Brazil. Relations of Peru and Brazil. 324
187 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Webb. Oct. 4 Exploration of the Amazon river by Professor Louis F. Agassiz. 325
Mr. Seward to the minister for foreign affairs. Oct. 4 Same subject 325
189 Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. Oct. 10

The war of the allies against Paraguay.

The United States desires the war brought to an end, as it is unnecessary.

190 do Oct. 22 Same subject. Detention and delay of Mr. Washburn by the allied army. 326


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
50 Mr. Hall to Mr. Seward. Oct. 13 The revolution in Bolivia 327
52 do Oct. 13 Introduction of American stage-coaches and wagons into Bolivia. Proposed railroad. 327
53 do Nov. 1 The revolution in Bolivia 328
54 do Nov. 25 Same subject 328
55 do Feb. 26 Same subject. Battle of Viacha 329
56 do April 16 The revolution at an end. Amnesty. Bolivia joins Peru and Chili against Spain. Political situation. Recognition of the government by the United States recommended. 329
40 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hall. April 21 Same subject 330
57 bis Mr. Hall to Mr. Seward. May 31 The political situation in Bolivia. Recommends the recognition of the actual government of General Melgarejo. 331
42 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hall. July 10 Same subject. Instructions 331
59 Mr. Hall to Mr. Seward. Aug. 7 Same subject 332


[Page XVIII] [Page XIX] [Page XX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
229 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. Oct. 31 Relations of Chili with Spain. Interviews with the minister for foreign affairs of Chili and the Spanish admiral. Tender of good offices of the United States to adjust the pending difficulties. 334
231 do Oct. 31 Relations of Chili with Spain. Counter manifesto of Chili. 349
235 do Nov. 16 The war between Chili and Spain 362
236 do Dec. 1 Same subject. Naval combat. Capture of the Spanish gunboat Covadonga by the Chilian corvette Esmeralda. 362
237 do Dec. 2 The war between Chili and Spain. Movements of the Spanish squadron. Hostilities against Peru. 363
117 Mr. Seward to Mr. Nelson. Dec. 5 Relations of Chili and Spain. Tender of good offices of the United States. 364
239 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. Dec. 16 The rebellion in the United States. The wars of Spain with Chili and Peru. Movements of the Spanish squadron. 364
240 do Dec. 31 Suicide of Admiral Pareja. The war of Spain with Chili and Peru. New ports of entry in Chili. Movements of the squadrons. 366
245 do Jan. 16 Relations of Chili and Spain. Tender of good offices of the United States. Political matters in Chili and Peru. 368
246 do Jan. 31 Relations of Spain with Chili and Peru. Treaty of alliance between Chili and Peru. Chilian coal contraband of war. 370
248 do Feb. 15 Relations of Spain with Chili. Interviews with Admiral Mendez and minister for foreign affairs of Chili. Mediation of the United States. 372
4 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. Feb. 19 Revocation of exequatur of Don Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York. 375
250 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. Feb. 26 Mediation of the United States between Chili and Spain. Naval combat at Abtao, and its result. Protest respecting coal trade. 375
252 do March 1 Mediation of the United States between Chili and Spain. 382
254 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. March 12 Retirement of Mr. Nelson from Chili. General Kilpatrick presents his credentials as United States minister. 383
255 do March 16 Engagement between the Spanish squadron and the Chilian forces on the island of Chiloe. The coal question. Seizure of American vessels. Interview With Commodore Rodgers. The United States squadron to remain at Valparaiso. 386
Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. April 2 Attempt to bring about a pacific solution of the questions between Chili and Spain, and its failure. Bombardment of Valparaiso by the Spanish squadron and its results. The loss of property. 386
6 do April 16 Revocation of exequatur of Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York, Fears of another bombardment. Estimate of losses suffered. Disappointment of the Chilian people at not being supported by the United States. 407
7 do May 2 Movements of the Spanish, American, and Peruvian squadrons. The feeling between Chili and the United States not cordial. Naval re-enforcements for Peru. 410
6 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. May 5 The bombardment of Valparaiso. Position of the United States towards other republics. Proposal for a settlement of the difficulties. 411
9 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. May 16 Bombardment of Callao and repulse of the Spanish squadron. 412
8 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. May 30 Revocation of the exequatur of the Chilian consul at New York. The losses at Valparaiso, and the duty of our consuls abroad. 412
9 do June 2 Policy of the United States towards the Spanish-American States. Its relations with Spain and Chili. Instructions. 413
11 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. June 15 Bombardment of Valparaiso. Personal explanations. Feeling in Chili towards the United States. Withdrawal of the French from Mexico—its effect. 414
12 do July 2 Report of the Spanish admiral of the bombarment of Valparaiso. Views of General Kilpatrick thereon. 415
15 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. July 16 The bombardment of Valparaiso and his course in the matter. Relations of the United States and Chili. 417
14 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. July 21 Approval of his course. Position of the United States in the war between South American republics and Spain. 418
15 do Aug. 1 The bombardment of Valparaiso. His communication to the Chilian minister of state. 418
Mr. Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward. Feb. 15 Revocation of the exequatur of Don Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York. 419
Do Feb. 16 Neutrality of the United States in the war between Chili and Spain. 420
Mr. Seward to Mr. Asta Buruaga. Feb. 16 Revocation of the exequatur of Don Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York. 420
Do Feb. 17 Neutrality of the United States in the war between Chili and Spain. 421
Mr. Covarrubias to Mr. Asta Buruaga. April 1 Bombardment of Valparaiso. The details and history of same. 421
Do. April 2 Revocation of the exequatur of Don Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York. 425
Mr. Seward to Mr. Asta Buruaga. April 19 Tender of good offices for the termination of the war pending between Spain on the one side, and Peru, Chili, and Bolivia on the other. 426
Mr. Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward. April 23 Same subject, in reply 427
Mr. Seward to Mr. Asta Buruaga. May 29 Revocation of the exequatur of Don Estevan Rogers, Chilian consul at New York. 428
Mr. Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward. July 5 Tender of good offices of the United States for termination of the war between Spain and the allied republics of Chili, Peru, and Bolivia. The bombardment of Valparaiso. 428
Mr. Seward to Mr. Asta Buruaga. July 10 Same subject 429
Mr. Atsa Buruaga to Mr. Seward. July 14 Same subject 429


[Page XXI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
138 Mr. Riotte to Mr. Seward. Dec. 10 Naturalization of citizens of Costa Rica in the United States. The income tax abroad. 430
140 do Jan. 10 The Central American Transit Company. Railroad from the port of Limon to that of Herradura. Finances. 434
112 Mr. Seward to Mr. Riotte. Feb. 16 Claim of Francisco and Juan Quezada to citizenship in the United States. 435
142 Mr. Riotte to Mr. Seward. Mar. 10 Proposition of Peru to Costa Rica to join the South American alliance against Spain. Views of Mr. Riotte. 435
114 Mr. Seward to Mr. Riotte. April 7 Same subject 437
147 Mr. Riotte to Mr. Seward. May 10 Opening of the session of Congress for 1866. Ceremonies attending same. 437
148 do May 25 The Central American Transit Company. Question of boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 441
152 do June 23 Same subject 443
154 do Aug. 25 Measures to prevent the introduction of cholera adopted. 443
155 do Sept 8 Delivery of an autograph letter from President Johnson to President Castro. Railroad contract in Costa Rica. 444
156 do Sept. 9 Financial condition of Costa Rica 445


[Page XXII] [Page XXIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
195 Mr. Hassaurek to Mr. Seward. Nov. 7 The political condition of Ecuador 447
196 do Nov. 12 Case of the steamer Washington 447
114 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hassaurek. Dec. 28 Same subject 454
2 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. Jan. 27 Case of steamer Washington. Ecuador to join Peru, Chili, and Bolivia in the war against Spain. 456
3 do Feb. 12 Same subject 457
4 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Mr. Seward. Feb. 22 Failure of Ecuador to pay awards under convention of November 25, 1862. 457
5 do Feb. 22 Offensive and defensive alliance between Ecuador, Chili, and Peru, January 30, 1866. 458
6 do Mar. 1 Failure of Ecuador to pay awards under convention of November 25, 1862. 459
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. Mar. 8 Same subject. Instructions 460
7 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. Mar. 21 War declared against Spain by Ecuador. Military preparations. 461
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. April 7 Failure of Ecuador to pay awards under convention of November 25, 1862. 463
8 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. April 10 Same subject 463
9 do April 20 Same subject 464
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. April 21 Tender of good offices of the United States to end the war between Spain and the South American republics. 465
10 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. April 26 Failure of Ecuador to pay the awards under convention of November 25, 1862. Bombardment of Valparaiso and its effect in Ecuador. Violent proceedings at Guayaquil. 465
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. May 4 Failure of Ecuador to pay the awards under convention of November 25, 1862. 467
11 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. May 13 Same subject 467
12 do May 13 The war with Spain. The Spanish squadron at Callao. Preparations. 468
13 do May 22 Tender of good offices of the United States to end the war. 469
14 do May 22 The war with Spain. Preparations 470
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. June 5 Failure of Ecuador to pay the awards under the convention of November 25, 1862. 470
15 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. June 10 Tender of good offices of United States to end the war. 471
16 do June 10 Failure of Ecuador to pay awards under convention of November 25, 1862. 471
17 do June 13 Same subject 472
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prevost. July 3 Same subject 472
19 Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward. July 5 Failure of Ecuador to pay the awards under the convention of November 25, 1862. The Mohongo at Guayaquil. Fourth of July. 473
20 do July 11 Same subject. Payment of first instalment under convention November 25, 1862. 473
21 do July 20 Tender of good offices of United States to end the war. 474
23 do Aug. 4 Payment of first instalment under convention November 25, 1862. 475
4 Mr. Seward to Mr. Coggeshall. Aug. 20 Tender of good offices of the United States to end the war with Spain. 476
2 Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Seward. Sept. 18 Same subject, and recognition of Mr. Coggeshall as minister by Ecuador. 476
3 do Sept. 24 His recognition as minister 478
5 do Sept. 30 Anniversary of the independence of Chili. The alliance against Spain. 479
7 do Oct. 16 Mediation of the United States between the allied republics and Spain. 479
12 do Oct. 28 Transfer of Gallapagos islands to British bondholders. 480
13 do Oct. 30 War between Spain and the allied republics 480
14 do Nov. 3 Relations of Ecuador with New Grenada, Chili, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. Navigation of the Amazon. 481
15 do Nov. 21 The war with Spain. Reception of the Colombian minister. A minister sent to England by Ecuador. 481
11 Mr. Seward to Mr. Coggeshall. Dec. 5 Transfer of Gallapagos islands to British bondholders. 483
12 do Dec. 5 Relations of Ecuador and Colombia. Navigation of the Amazon. 483


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Warren to Mr. Seward. June 21 His arrival in Guatemala. Political and commercial condition of the republic. Friendly disposition towards the United States. 484
2 do June 27 Presentation of his credentials. Speeches on the occasion. 484
[Page XXIV]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
61 Mr. McBrideto Mr. Seward. Jan. 19 The contract with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to China and Japan. 486
67 do July 2 Death of Princess Victoria Kamehameha Kahumanu. 487
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. McCook. July 3 Discharge of American seamen from the ships Josephine and Blue Jacket. 488
4 Mr. McCook to Mr. Seward. Aug. 1 Visit of Queen Emma to the United States 490
6 Mr. Seward to Mr. McCook. Sept. 24 Same subject 490
9 Mr. McCook to Mr. Seward. Oct. 4 Subscription for a monument to General James B. McPherson. 491
12 do Oct. 29 Return of Queen Emma to Honolulu 491
13 do Nov. 21 Discharge of American seamen from the Blue Jacket. Case of George Reed, an American seaman, charged with murder in the Russian possessions. 492
14 do Nov. 21 Return of Queen Emma to Honolulu. Effect of the Vanderbilt’s visit to the Hawaiian islands. 494
15 do Nov. 21 Contract of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to China and Japan. American interests on the Pacific coast. 495
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. McCook. Dec. 1 Subscription for a monument to General James B. McPherson. 496
hawaiian legation.
Mr. Odell to Mr. Seward. June 7 Meeting of the Hawaiian Legislature. The King’s speech. 497
do Dec. 31 Visit of Queen Emma to the United States 498


[Page XXV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
18 Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward. Nov. 18 The revolutions in Hayti and St. Domingo. Fight between H. B. M. steamer Bulldog and the insurgents at Cape Haytien. Rebellion in Jamaica. Rumored protectorate of the United States. 499
19 do Nov. 26 The revolution in Hayti. The situation. Blockade of Cape Haytien. 501
20 do Dec. 2 Same subject. The situation 501
22 Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward. Dec. 11 The Bulldog affair at Cape Haytien 502
24 do Feb. 17 Claim of Mrs. Myers on Hayti 509
25 do Feb. 23 Relations of Hayti and St. Domingo 510
26 do Mar. 26 Trial of the revolutionists. Conflagration at Port au Prince; the loss five millions of dollars. Insurrection in Dominica. The situation of the two republics of Hayti and Dominica. 511
27 do April 4 The situation in Hayti 513
12 Mr. Seward to Mr. Peck. April 16 Claim of Mrs. Myers. United States legation in the Dominican republic. Naval force in the West Indies. 513
28 Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward. April 20 The situation in Hayti. Its relations with St. Domingo. The French indemnity. 513
29 do April 21 Suggestions as to the rank of the representatives of the United States in Hayti and Dominica. 516
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Peck. May 11 Condition of Hayti. Its relations to Dominica. Rank of the missions to Hayti and St. Domingo. Policy of the United States respecting other American governments. Mediation. 517
30 Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward. June 10 Revolution in Santo Domingo. The situation in Hayti. 518
32 do July 9 Abolition of slavery in the United States and its effect in the Antilles. 519
33 do July 9 Insurrection in Hayti. The situation. Protection needed. 520
34 do July 14 Relations of Hayti and Dominica. The insurrection in Hayti ended. 521
36 do Aug. 13 The situation in Hayti. Protection of American interests. 522
3 do Oct. 22 Leading political events in Hayti. Revolution attempted. Visit of the United States squadron to Port au Prince and its salutary effects. 525
9 do Nov. 21 Quietude restored to Hayti. The mission to Dominica urged. 526


[Page XXVI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
52 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Oct. 25 The recognition of the provisional President of Honduras. Instructions. 527
54 do Nov. 26 Same subject 527
59 do Feb. 15 The new constitution. Election of General José Maria Medina as President. 528
42 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. Mar. 19 Instructed to recognize the government of General Medina. 529
60 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Mar. 23 Inauguration of General Medina as President of Honduras. 529
62 do April 25 Recognition of the provisional government of Honduras. 530
63 do May 25 Delivery of an autograph letter. Recognition of the provisional government of President Medina. 530
64 do June 9 The rebellion in the United States ended 531
68 do July 10 Claim on Honduras in the case of the sloop Muhlenberg. 532
7 Mr. Seward to Mr. Rousseau. Aug. 22 Same subject 535
5 Mr. Rousseau to Mr. Seward. Aug. 22 Same subject 535
7 do Sept. 12 A supposed fillibustering expedition 536
11 Mr. Seward to Mr. Rousseau. Oct. 10 Case of the sloop Muhlenberg 537
12 do Oct. 15 A supposed fillibustering expedition. Presentation of his credentials. 538
71 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Nov. 4 Autograph letter from President Medina. His withdrawal from Honduras. 538
8 Mr. Rousseau to Mr. Seward. Nov. 16 Presentation of his credentials as minister resident of the United States, and recognition. 540


[Page XXVII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
116 Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Seward. June 24 The Central American Transit Company. Question of boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 541
119 do Aug. 9 Same subject 543
120 do Sept. 7 Same subject 543
81 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson. Oct. 3 A supposed filibustering expedition 545
121 Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Seward. Nov. 23 Same subject 545
82 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson Nov. 27 The Central American Transit Company and the projected British railroad across Nicaragua. 545
nicaraguan legation.
Mr. Seward to Mr. Molina. Nov. 26 Transportation of United States troops by the Nicaragua route. 546
Mr. Molina to Mr. Seward. Nov. 30 Same subject. Relations of the United States and Nicaragua. 547


[Page XXVIII] [Page XXIX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. Nov. 9 The war of Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentine republic against Paraguay. Its objects. Difficulty of his returning to his post. Political matters. 548
Do Dec. 15 The war with Paraguay and its complications. Impossibility of his reaching his post of duty. 551
49 do Jan. 16 Difficulty of his reaching his post. The situation in Paraguay. 554
Do Feb. 1 Same subject 558
Do Feb. 8 Visit to the camp of the allies. Interview with General Mitre. His views and policy. The war. Mr. Washburn’s return to his post. 560
Do Mar. 16 Mr. Washburn’s return to his post. Political and financial situation. 564
43 Mr. Seward to Mr. Mr. Washburn. April 16 The war against Paraguay. The delay in returning to his post. Instructions relative thereto. 565
45 Do April 21 Same subject 567
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. April 27 The delay in returning to his post. Interview with General Mitre. The political and military situation. 567
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. April 27 The war in Paraguay. Fight at Paso de la Patria. 572
Do May 4 573
Do May 24 Same subject. The triple alliance of Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic. 574
Do May 25 War against Paraguay. Great battle fought and its results. Delay in reaching his post. 579
46 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. May 25 Same subject 579
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. May 28 Same subject 580
Do June 8 Same subject 581
Do June 15 Same subject 583
47 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. June 27 Delay in reaching his post of duty. Instructions relative thereto. 584
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. July 9 The war in Paraguay. Delay in reaching his post of duty. 585
62 do July 23 Same subject. Death of General Netto. Distinguished officers. The duration of the war. 586
63 do July 26 Delay in reaching his post of duty 588
64 do July 27 Same subject 591
65 do Aug. 10 Same subject 593
66 do Aug. 14 The war against Paraguay and the views and objects of Brazil. 595
67 do Aug. 17 Delay in reaching his post of duty 596
68 do Aug. 20 Same subject 597
69 do Sept. 12 Same subject 601
70 do Sept. 20 Same subject. Uncertainty of mail communications. 602
51 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. Sept. 24 Same subject 603
71 Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. Oct. 3 Delay in reaching his post of duty. Controversy with Admiral Godon. 604
72 do Oct. 8. Detention of the French gunboat Décidée by the Brazilian admiral. Attack on Curuzu and Curupaiti. The situation. 609
73 do Oct. 13 Arrival of Minister Asboth at Montevideo. Detention of the French gunboat Décidée News from the seat of war. 610
54 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. Oct. 17 Tender of good offices of the United States to terminate the war. 611
74 Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. Oct. 22 Arrival of General Asboth. The delay In reaching his post of duty. President Lopez’s situation. 611
56 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. Oct. 23 The delay in reaching his post of duty. His controversy with Admiral Godon. 612
75 Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. Nov. 6 Departure for his post in the United States steamer Shamokin. 613
57 Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. Nov. 21 The war against Paraguay. His controversy with Admiral Godon. 616


[Page XXX] [Page XXXI] [Page XXXII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hovey. Oct. 10 Revolution in Peru. Recognition of the constitutional governmment. 617
351 Mr. Robinson to Mr. Seward. Nov. 9 Revolution in Peru. President Pezet is deposed. The government in the hands of General Causeco. Disturbances at Callao. 617
352 do Nov. 13 General Causeco recognized as president by the diplomatic corps. 619
353 do Nov. 17 Formation of a new cabinet. Political and financial situation. 620
1 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Nov. 20 President Pezet abandoning the country. General Causeco assumes the control and is recognized as president. 620
2 do Nov. 28 Causeco overthrown and Prado proclaimed dictator. His cabinet. Recognition by the United States, &c. 621
3 do Dec. 13 The situation of affairs. Administration of General Prado. 622
Mr. Robinson to Mr. Seward. Dec. 19 Withdrawal from the mission to Peru. Government of General Prado. 623
4 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Dec. 20 Refusal to grant asylum to Peruvians charged with crime. 624
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Dec. 20 Political changes in Peru. Recognition of that government. 624
5 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Dee. 21 Recognition of the government of General Prado by the United States. 625
4 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Dec. 28 Political changes in Peru. Recognition of the government of General Prado by the United States. 628
7 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 Alliance of Peru with Chili. War declared against Spain. Protection of American interests. Situation. 628
8 do Feb. 14 Political situation of Peru. Its recognition by the United States. Government of General Prado. 628
6 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Feb. 20 Naval forces on the Pacific coast. Political situation. 629
8 do March 8 Government of General Prado. Its recognition by the United States to be delayed. 630
10 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. March 12 The situation in Peru, Interview with General Prado. 630
9 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. April 7 Same subject 631
13 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. April 13 Policy of the United States in relation to revolutions in republican states. The recognition of Peru. The situation of that republic. 631
15 do April 13 Bombardment of Valparaiso 633
26 do April 21 Capture of the American ship Odessa. Violation of neutrality. 633
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. April 21 He is authorized to recognize the government of General Prado. Mediation of the United States in the war between Spain and the allied republics. 634
17 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. April 27 The Spanish squadron off Callao. The town to be bombarded on the 1st May. Manifesto of the Spanish admiral. 635
12 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. May 7 The situation in Peru and other American states. Policy of the United States towards them. 638
18 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. May 13 Bombardment of Callao by the Spanish squadron. It is driven off by the shore batteries. 638
15 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Hovey. May 14 Capture of the American ship Odessa for a violation of neutrality. 641
21 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. May 29 Mediation of the United States in the war between Spain and the allied republics. Presentation of his credentials and reception. 642
22 do May 29 Speech of General Prado after the battle of Callao. The character of the general. 644
24 do May 31 Mediation of the United States in the war between Spain and the allied republics. 646
20 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. July 9 Same subject. His proceedings approved 648
27 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. July 12 Failure of Ecuador to pay awards under the convention of November 25, 1862. 648
23 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Aug. 2 Same subject. Case of the ship George Howland. 650
29 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Aug. 13 Mediation of the United States in the war between Spain and the allied republics. 650
27 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Oct. 3 Same subject. Policy of the United States. Its neutral obligations. 651
35 Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. Oct 22 The presidential election in Peru. General Prado has no opponent. 651
37 do Nov. 14 Failure of revolution incited by General Castilla. 652
39 do Nov. 14 Interview with President Prado. Relations of Spain and the allied republics. Mediation of France and England. The position taken by President Prado. 652
40 do Nov. 28 Immigration of negroes to Peru 653
41 do Nov. 28 The coolie trade of Peru 653
32 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. Dec. 6 Mediation of France and England in the war between Spain and the allied republics. Position of the United States on the question. 655
peruvian legation
Mr. Garcia to Mr. Seward. Dec. 4 Elevation of General Causeco to the presidency of Peru. The situation. 656
Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Seward. Dec. 5 Elevation of Colonel Mariano Ignacio Prado to the position of supreme chief of the republic of Peru. 656
Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 Peru invites the United States to join the allied republics against Spain. 657
Do Jan. 20 Declaration of war against Spain 661
Mr. Garcia to Mr. Seward. Feb. 23 The disposition of prizes in the waters of the United States. 662
Mr. Seward to Mr. Garcia. Feb. 26 Same subject 662
Mr. Garcia to Mr. Seward. March 12 Termination of his mission. Recalled by his government. 663
Mr. Seward to Mr. Garcia. March 16 Same subject 663
Mr. Barreda to Mr. Seward. May 22 His appointment as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Peru. 664
Mr. Seward to Mr. Barreda. May 28 Same subject 665
Mr. Barreda and Mr. Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward. May 30 Mediation between the United States and Ecuador. 665
Mr. Seward to Mr. Barreda and Mr. Asta Buruaga. June 2 Same subject. The good offices of Chili and Peru accepted. 666
Do June 2 Same subject 667
Mr. Barreda and Mr. Asta Buruaga to Mr. Seward. June 7 Same subject 667
Do June 7 Same subject 668
Memorandum conversation — Mr. Seward and Mr. Barreda. Oct. 8 Continental alliance of the American republics. Manner of putting an end to the war between Spain and the allied republics and to that against Paraguay. 668
Mr. Seward to Mr. Barreda. Oct. 8 Emigration of freedmen from the United States to Peru. 669
Mr. Barreda to Mr. Seward. Oct. 9 Same subject 670
Mr. Seward to Mr. Barreda. Oct. 11 Same subject 670


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
58 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Oct. 29 Application of the Japanese government for the construction of three war vessels in the United States; also a rifling machine and a field battery of six guns. Selection of agents by Mr. Pruyn. Amount paid to Mr. Pruyn. 671
34 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Jan. 29 Same subject. Vessels can be built but not armed. 673
36 !do Feb. 9 Same subject 674
19 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. May 1 Same subject 674
81 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Oct. 14 Ill treatment of the steamer Monitor by the Japanese authorities. Detention of the gunboat Fusiyama. 674
85 do Dec. 6 Same subject 675
Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 The case of the steamer Monitor. Detention of the gunboat Fusiyama. Purchase of British steamers, and of Belgian, Prussian, and British rifles. 675
5 do Jan. 21 Detention of the Fusiyama 676
11 do Mar. 9 Same subject 676
Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Weed and Mr. Lansing. Mar. 15 Same subject. Building of war vessels for the Japanese in Holland and France; they are purchasing arms in Europe. 677
26 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. May 10 Construction of three war vessels for the Japanese in the United States. Case of the steamer Monitor; her transfer to the Japanese government. The rebellion in Japan. 678
Executive order. June 6 Permitting the departure of the Fusiyama from the United States. 679
6 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Arrival of the Fusiyama at Yokohama. The Japanese well pleased with her. 679