
Mr. Garcia to Mr. Seward.

The just war, unhappily unavoidable, which Peru has found it necessary to declare officially against Spain, has already begun through maritime operations, which in their development may place the governments friendly to the one and the other nation under the unavoidable necessity of exercising the rights and complying with the duties which, in differences between other nations, are incumbent on neutrals.

Although the precepts of international law are clear and explicit enough as to the condition of neutrals, and as to what it is permitted to them to grant or refuse to belligerents, the supreme interest which the government of Peru has always taken in respecting the laws of other nations, and in maintaining with all the ties of peace and friendship unchanged, oblige me to ask your excellency to deign to let me know what conduct your government will observe towards vessels of the Peruvian navy, or of Spain, and towards vessels fitted out as cruisers by either of the belligerents, which in the course of war may arrive on the coasts or at the ports of the United States, and what the one or the other may lawfully do or obtain in the waters of the Union.

I have the honor to subscribe myself, with the highest personal consideration, your most obedient, humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.