Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 2, of November 28th ultimo, in which you report a new revolution in Peru, resulting in the overthrow of the government under the acting President, General Canseco, and in proclaiming Colonel Mariano Ignacio Prado as dictator, the latter measure having been effected by the army and people on the 26th of November.
Your course in not recognizing the government thus forcibly established by Colonel Prado is approved by the President. The subject upon which you desire to be instructed in this connection is now being considered by the government of the United States; and you are especially enjoined meanwhile to take no step which may even imply a recognition by this government of the authority assumed by Colonel Prado and his adherents.
You will continue to report the condition of affairs in Peru and await the further instructions of this department, which will be communicated to you in due season.
I am your obedient servant,
Alvin P. Hovey, Esq., &c., &c., &c.