Mr. Seward to Mr. Rousseau.
Sir: I have received your despatch No. 7, of the 12th of last month, containing a translation of two articles published in the official gazette of Comayagua, being communications addressed to the commander-in-chief of the port of Omoa, and to the minister of finance and war, bringing to their notice a report current that a certain American vessel at the port of Ruatan is loaded with arms and ammunition, and that two other American vessels are on their way to New Orleans for the purpose of enlisting some adventurers, who are to be armed at Ruatan, and with whom a hostile expedition is to be undertaken against the ports of Truxillo and Omoa.
We have no knowledge nor information calculated to sustain these statements. It is hoped that you have ere this presented your credentials, and that you are in a condition to investigate this matter officially, and if found groundless, as no doubt it will be, to dispel any apprehension which its official circulation may have caused.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
R. H. Rousseau, Esq., &c., &c., &c.