Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward.

No. 23.]

Sir: In the despatch No. 20, dated 11th July, which I had the honor to address your excellency, I remitted a bill on London for £1,513 16s. 1d., being the proceeds which I had then received from the government of Ecuador, but this left a balance of three hundred fifty-three dollars and twenty cents and the interest of four months and twenty days on the first instalment of ten thousand five hundred thirty-three dollars and twenty-six cents, which interest amounts to the sum of four hundred ninety-one dollars and fifty-five cents.

I now take great pleasure to inform your excellency that I have succeeded in collecting said balance with interest due, say eight hundred forty four dollars [Page 476] and seventy-five cents, which is in full settlement for the first instalment under the convention of November 26th, 1862.

I therefore enclose to your excellency bill of exchange for £127 7d., drawn by M. A. de Luzarraga, which I have purchased at six dollars and sixty-five cents of this currency to the pound sterling, as per certificate enclosed, marked A.

The energetic manner with which this claim has been prosecuted against the government of Ecuador, under your excellency’s instructions, leads me to believe that the yearly payments or instalments will now be paid without much labor.

I remain, sir, your most obedient servant,

L. V. PREVOST. Acting Secretary of Legation.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.



We, the undersigned, merchants, certify that the present rate of exchange for 90 days’ bills on London is $6 65, Ecuadorian currency, per pound sterling.