Mr. Prevost to Mr. Seward.
No. 21.]
Legation of the United States,
July 20, 1866.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to your
excellency copy of a note of Mr. Manuel Bustamente, the minister for
foreign affairs of Ecuador, dated 11th July, containing the answer of
his government relative to a proposition of his excellency the President
of the United States, to indicate terms by which negotiation for peace
might be commenced between Spain and the allied republics of South
[Page 475]
America, which was transmitted
by me to Quito, on the 2d of May last, by instractions contained in your
excellency’s despatch dated April 21st, 1866.
Copy of Mr. Bustamente’s note is marked A. I enclose also a translation
of the same, which I have marked B.
I remain, with great respect, your excellency’s most obedient
L. V. PREVOST, Acting Secretary of
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Bustamente to Mr. Prevost.
This department has received an authorized copy of the note that his
excellency the secretary of foreign affairs of the United States
wrote to Señor F. S. Buruaga, the chargé d’affaires of Chili,
informing him of the repeated declarations that her Caiholic
Majesty’s government has made to his excellency the President of
that republic, expressing to him that that government may rely, that
in the present war between Peru and the other South American States,
Spain under no aspect has aspired to conquest, and that it hopes
that the United States will interpose its good offices with some of
the belligerents to promote the restoration of peace.
According to his excellency, the government of Spain has declared to
the United States its disposition to accept the indications which
the President may make, and which may tend to such important
His excellency the President of Ecuador, before whom I have laid the
aforesaid note, which came jointly with that of yours of the 20th of
May last, has instructed me to declare to the cabinet of Washington
his sincere desire to restore relations with the government of her
Catholic Majesty, by means of a negotiation which takes into
consideration the dignity, the repose, and the interest as well of
Ecuador, as of the other allied nations in the present struggle. By
agreement with them, my government will listen and resolve such
propositions of peace as may be directed to it, desiring that the
reasoning shall have the character which I announce.
By virtue of what you have expressed in the note to which I refer,
you can transmit to your government the present answer on the part
of Ecuador, and express to your government the sincere gratitude of
his excellency for the sentiments of friendship which the United
States has taken in the cause of the American nations who defend
that of all the continent in its strife with Spain.
I renew to Mr. Prevost, consul and acting chargé d’affaires of the
United States, the protestation of my highest consideration and
Mr. L. V. Prevost,
Consul and Acting Chargé d’ Affaires of the
United States.