Government of the Canton Aargau
Honored Sir: The government counsellor of the canton of Aargau has just heard of the great misfortune that has overtaken our sister republic beyond the ocean, on the 14th of April, by the hand of the assassin, and feels the greatest sympathy and indignation the event can impart. The general sorrow is the more intense, as it fell like a thunderbolt upon the joy and hope with which the civilized world was congratulating the victorious star-spangled banner upon the heroic days of Richmond and Petersburg. We have therefore unanimously resolved, in our session of this day, to express our deepest sympathy for the government of the United States, upon the horrid death of their great President Lincoln, and we request the honorable minister resident of that country to communicate it to his government.
May God preserve the United States, bestow more great and unblemished victories upon their flag in contests for freedom and the holy rights of man, and soon crown the sublime sacrifice and heroic deeds of their arms with all the blessings of a glorious peace.
Accept, dear sir, with the above sympathy, the expression of our most distinguished consideration.
In the name of the government counsellor of the canton of Aargau:
- The landammann President, A. TELLER.
- The Secretary of State, KINGIER.
Hon. Mr. Fogg,
Minister resident of the United States of North
America, in Berne.