Perfect Union Masonic Lodge


Sir: The Perfect Union Masonic Lodge, Orient of Confoleus, grievously felt the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. We were regarding in admiration, with great interest, the gradual development of a policy which had for its object the abolition of slavery for human liberty is one of the fundamental principles of masonic doctrine when we were struck with stupor by the horrid news of the crime that deprived the world of one of its most honest men and most illustrious citizens.

But we are consoled when we think of the strength and vitality of your institutions, that will not leave Mr. Lincoln’s great work unfinished, and we have unanimously decided that the testimony of our sorrow, admiration, and respect should be written in the golden lodge book, and transmitted to the American nation through its representative in Paris.

Accept, sir, the assurance of our most distinguished sentiments.

  • The Venerable A. DUCLOU.
  • E. DUCHIRON, Watchmaker.
  • AUDOIN, Secretary.
Sealed by—

Keeper of the Seals.

The U. S. Minister, in Paris.