Fraternal Association of Artisans of Leghorn


Citizen President: The members of the Fraternal Association of Artisans of Leghorn send to the American people a word of sincere condolence and brotherly grief on the occasion of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. They are aware that the valorous champion of the American Union was born an artisan, and that liberty made him great and powerful, not to oppress but to strengthen and ennoble an entire nation; for this they have loved him as though they had I been his sons or brothers.

The living Abraham Lincoln we looked upon as a hero; dead, we mourn him as a martyr, and his memory will ever remain in the heart of the artisans as the symbol of a true faith—the faith of liberty.

  • G. PENEO, President.
  • O. CAMPANA, Secretary.

Hon. Citizen President
of the United States of America.