Barga Workingmen’s Society


Hon. Sir: The Workingmen’s Society of Barga, (near Lucca,) at a meeting on the 7th instant, commissioned me, the undersigned, to express to you, the worthy representative of the United States in Italy, its profound sorrow for the death of your most virtuous President, Abraham Lincoln, who fell by the hand of a treacherous assassin.

The horrid crime caused a shudder in the bosoms of all good men, and a borrow that will never be blotted from the hearts of those who love liberty and [Page 435] free institutions like the immortal deceased; but it will not delay, for a moment, the triumph of the federal cause, the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the people.

Accept, illustrious sir, for the generous nation you represent, the best wishes of the Workingmen’s Society of Barga for its permanent prosperity and happiness.


President and member of the Italian Parliament.

Hon. Perkins Marsh,
United States Minister to Italy, Florence.