Inhabitants of Lahaina

[Translation. ]

The residents of the district of Lahaina, Hawaiian islands, met in the church at Maui on the 13th of May, 1865, at 2 p. m., on account of the death of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the republic of America.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. D. Baldwin, after which, on nomination of D. Baldwin, M. Ihilie was chosen chairman, and D. Kahawlilio, secretary. On motion of D. Baldwin, Mr. J. W. H. Kawnahie read his resolutions expressive of the sympathy of Lahaina, on account of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The resolutions as approved are as follows, viz:

Kin killeth kin; countryman murdereth countryman; surely this rebellion and calamity verify Sacred Writ—“a man’s foes shall be they of his own [Page 430] household.” It well becometh us of Lahaina-Maui, Sandwich islands, to lament and weep together with the republic of America for the murder, the assassination, of the great, the good, the liberator Abraham Lincoln, the victim of hell-born treason—himself martyred, yet live his mighty deeds, victory, peace, and the emancipation of those despised, like all of us of the colored races. Therefore—

  • Resolved, That we of Lahaina mourn together with the republic of America, and deeply deplore the death of their Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln.
  • Resolved, That we unite our voice of lamentation with that of the widows their cruel war has made, in sympathy with the now widowed mother of all, Mrs. Lincoln.
  • Resolved, That a committee of eleven be chosen to present our sympathy in this national bereavement to the American consul of this district.
  • Resolved, That, while weeping with those who weep, we bow in submission to the Divine decree of Him “who doeth all things well;” for thus are we taught, and thus shall we be blessed.
  • Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded for publication in the newspapers Ke au O-Koa and in the Commercial Advertiser.
  • Resolved, That a copy be placed in the hands of the American consul for transmission to the afflicted widow.
  • Resolved, That the committee of eleven present to the American consul the assurances of our highest esteem and regard for the President of the United States.

On motion of D. Kelupuo the resolutions were read a second time by Charles Kalu, and on motion of J. D. Kahookano were fully approved.

On motion of J. W. H. Kawnahie the following committee of eleven were chosen, viz: Hon. J. W. H. Kawnahie, his excellency D. Nahaolelua, M. Ihiki, M. Kenui, C. W. Kenui, J. D. Kahookano, Charles Kalu, Leni Keliipio, D. Alvolo, D. Kahawlilio, and Kaniaw.

On motion of J. W. H. Kawnahie it was decided to incorporate the minutes of the meeting with the resolutions to be forwarded.

On motion of Charles Kalu the meeting adjourned.

