Municipal Council of Portsmouth

borough of portsmouth.

At a meeting of the council of the borough of Portsmouth, holden at the council chamber, the 1st day of May, 1865,

The mayor having addressed the council in reference to the recent death by assassination of the President of the United States, he moved therein, seconded by Louis Arnold us Vandenberg, esquire, and it was thereupon

Unanimously resolved, That this council, representing the feelings of all classes in the borough, has heard with the greatest sorrow and indignation of the recent death of the President of the United States of America, by the hands of an assassin and of the attempt made at the same time on the life of Mr. Seward, the American Secretary of State. And while declaring its abhorrence at these hateful crimes, it desires earnestly to express its deep sympathy with the American people in the grief and distress into which they have been plunged by those sad and cowardly events.

It was then moved by Mr. Alderman Scall, seconded by W. G. Chambers, esq., and

Unanimously resolved, That the mayor be requested to forward a copy of the foregoing resolution to Mr. Adams, the representative of the United States to this [Page 316] country, with a request that it may he communicated to the American government, and that the mayor do at the same time offer the sincere condolence of the council to Mrs. Lincoln, in her sudden and cruel bereavement.

Extracted from the minutes of the proceedings of the council of the borough of Portsmouth, the 9th day of May, 1865.

Town Clerk.