Municipal Council of Melbourne

At a meeting of the council of the city of Melbourne, held in the council chamber in the Town Hall, Swanston street, in the said city, on Monday the 24th day of July, 1865, it was

Resolved, That this council for and on behalf of the corporation of the mayor, aldermen, councilors, and citizens of the city of Melbourne, desires to record its unmitigated horror and detestation of the atrocious murder of Abraham Lincoln, the late President of the United States of America; to express its profound sympathy with the American people in the incalculable loss of so great and good a citizen, councilor and ruler; and to offer its deep and respectful condolence to Mrs. Lincoln under her most grievous and terrible bereavement.

  • GEO. WRAGGE, Mayor.
  • E. G. FITZ GIBBON, Town Clerk.