Inhabitants of Haslingdon

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted at a public meeting of the inhabitants of Haslingden, held in the Town Hall, Haslingden, on the evening of May the 3d, 1865:

First. That this meeting desires to give utterance to the deep feelings of grief and horror with which it has heard of the assassination of President Lincoln and the murderous and diabolical attack upon Mr. Seward, his Secretary of State.

Secondly. That this meeting also desires to tender to Mrs. Lincoln, the United States government and people, an expression of its profound sympathy [Page 233] and heartfelt condolence in this the hour of their affliction, and deeply lament that, by the hand of an assassin, the one should be bereaved of a husband and the other deprived of a wise and benevolent ruler.

Signed on behalf of the meeting.


His Excellency the President
of the United States.