Municipal Council of Dunfermline

Extract from the minutes of a special meeting of the town council of the city of Dunfermline, held May 4, 1865.

Before proceeding to the transaction of the special business for which the present meeting had been called, the provost took this the earliest opportunity of moving the adoption of the following resolutions, expressing condolence and sympathy with the people of the United States of America on the assassination of President Lincoln, viz:

Resolved, That this council do record an unanimous expression of the feelings of profound sorrow and indignation with which they and the whole community of the city of Dunfermline have heard of the foul assassination of President Lincoln of the United States of America, and of the attempted assassination of Mr. Secretary Seward and his son—acts the atrocity of which is scarcely parallelled in the annals of political crime.

That they sincerely sympathize with the government and people of the United States under this great national calamity, and the peculiar and trying circumstances [Page 201] in winch they have been placed by the untimely and unexpected removal of such an able administration; but they earnestly hope that matters may be so ordered by Divine Providence that peace and tranquillity shall soon be restored to the United States, and that the feelings of brotherhood, amity, and good will which it is the earnest desire of this council should ever subsist between that great country and England may be strengthened.

That the council also sympathize most deeply with the widow and family of the late President in their afflicting bereavement.

That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to his excellency the minister of the United States in London, with a request that he will take the earliest opportunity of communicating the same to his government, and also to Mrs. Lincoln.

Which, being seconded by Bailie Alston, were unanimously adopted.

Extracted from council minutes by—
Town Clerk.