Municipal Council of Dumfries

Excerpt from the monthly meeting of the town council of the royal burgh of Dumfries, held May 5, 1865.

Before proceeding to business, Provost Turner moved that this council record an expression of the deep regret and sorrow with which they and the whole inhabitants of the burgh have learned of the death, by assassination, of the President of the United States of America; that, in common with the entire community, the council regard with feelings of horror and indignation the cruel and atrocious deed, and desire to express their participation in the feelings of profound sympathy entertained by the people of this country towards the people of the United States under the painful and trying circumstances in which they are placed.

That the council also express their deepest sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln and the family of the late President on account of the severe affliction with which they have been visited.

This motion was seconded by Bailie Newhigging, and unanimously agreed to, and the clerk was directed to send a copy of these resolutions to the American minister in London.

Extracted by—
Town Clerk.