The University of Cambridge

Address to his excellency the Hon. Charles Francis Adams, minister of the United States of America at the court of her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.

Sir: We, the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the University of Cambridge, desire to assure you, as the representative in this country of the United States of America, that we cordially share those sentiments of indignation and abhorrence which have been called forth throughout England by the intelligence of the assassination of President Lincoln. Removed, as we are, from the arena of political discussion, we still cannot forbear to say that crimes of this nature are essentially opposed to the interests of peace and civilization. The circumstances of peculiar atrocity which characterized the murder of President Lincoln must ever stigmatize it as a most foul blot on the history of our times.

We beg leave to request your excellency to make known in some suitable manner to your countrymen this respectful tribute of our sympathy and condolence with them on the great loss which they have sustained.
