Inhabitants of Bury

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the inhabitants of Bury.

assassination of president lincoln.

Public meeting at Bury—Fred. Anderton, esq., in the chair.

Moved by the Rev. F. Howorth, seconded by Mr. J. Stockdale—

That this meeting records with horror, indignation and abhorrence the appalling [Page 180] crime which has put an end to the life of the great and good President Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of the chief secretary, Mr. Seward.

Moved by the Rev. W. Roseman, seconded by Mr. William Hoyle—

That this meeting desires to record its profound sympathy with the people of the United States, in this hour of national bereavement, and especially with the widow of their twice elected chief, the intensity of whose grief is increased by the atrocious nature of the deed which has snatched her husband from her side.

Moved by the Rev. W. R. Brown, seconded by Mr. Welsby—

That this meeting earnestly hopes that the mantle of the murdered President may fall upon his successor in office; that he may be equally distinguished for his firmness of principle, the wisdom of his decisions, the clemency of his actions, and the general kindness of his heart.

Moved by Mr. D. Thomas, seconded by Mr. William Pickstone—

That this meeting sincerely hopes that a fraternal feeling may pervade the lately divided sections of the great republic; and that its future prosperity may be guaranteed by the removal of slavery, the return of peace, and the development of the unlimited resources of the country.

Moved by the Rev. G. Fletcher, seconded by Mr. Wormald—

That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be sent to Mr. 0. F. Adams, the American minister in London, with a request that he will kindly forward them to his government at Washington.