Municipal Council of Ayr
To his excellency the honorable Charles Francis Adams, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary for the United States of America:
We, the provost, magistrates, and town council of the royal burgh of Ayr, in council assembled, beg to express to you, as the representative in this country of the government and people of the United States of America, our utter abhorrence of the atrocity whereby that great people has been deprived of the services of their Chief Magistrate, who, after years of a most terrific struggle, approved himself to his countrymen by his patriotism, honesty of purpose, and great integrity, who had the fullest confidence of that great nation during the most critical period of its history, whose unwearied patience and perseverance under circumstances of trial, of difficulty, and of defeat, were only matched by his moderation evinced in the hour of success, and whose magnanimity and forbearance made an impression here that Abraham Lincoln was a great and good man.
We also desire to express our heartfelt sympathy and condolence with the government and people of the United States who have been so suddenly deprived of their chief magistrate at a momentous crisis in the history of their country.
Signed in name and by authority of the magistrates and council by me, provost of Ayr.