From The France

No light whatever has yet been thrown upon the odious outrage to which Mr. Lincoln has fallen a victim. The assassins have not been arrested, and it is impossible to say what motives led to the crime, nor with what party it is identified. It is certain that among the southerners, as among the northerners, the same feeling of indignation has arisen against the authors of this abominable crime. The letters of Mr. Mason, in London, and Mr. Slidell, in Paris, [Page 118] are certainly the true expression of every sensible and honest man among the confederates.

We said, in announcing the death of Mr. Lincoln, that it was necessary carefully to prevent a feeling of vengeance against the South becoming the result of the legitimate emotion everywhere caused by the assassination of the President of the United States. The cause of the confederates has nothing to do with these savage acts, and justice will not confound in this way the innocent with the guilty.

Well, we say it with regret, many Paris journals appear desirous of including in the same anathemas the assassins of Mr. Lincoln and the valiant defenders of the independence of the South; and American despatches speak of the excitement of the northern populations who utter the unjust cry of “Vengeance against the South.”

Not vengeance, but justice; not passion, but reason; not fanaticism, but moderation and equity!

This is what the French press ought to say to the American people if it would preserve the traditions of generosity and civilized grandeur which everywhere characterize the policy of France.