Gregory Ganesco
The editor in chief of the journal, The Europe, has addressed the following letter to MM. Harvin Peyrat, Guerault, and Nefftzer, editors in chief of the Seicle, the Avenir Nationale, and the Opinion Nationale:
May 2.
“Gentlemen and Dear Confréres: By the side of that experience—those lessons and examples which have been left to the world by the life and death [Page 98] of Abraham Lincoln—must be placed that great feeling which is alone capable of presiding over the universal renovation, the feeling of joint responsibility.
“Yes, before the death of the great republican citizen the hearts of all free men have been united in the same sadness, the same convictions, the same hopes.
“I will, therefore, dear confrères, send you, in the name of the editors and printers of the republican journal, The Europe, the most sympathatic in your address, to citizen-President Johnson.
“It is not so much the feeling of regret which unites us around the tomb of Abraham Lincoln as the joy of placing there the cable which will henceforth connect European democracy with American institutions.
“Sincerely yours,