French Residents of New York City, New York

Resolutions adopted at a meeting of Frenchmen held at New York, on Tuesday, April 18, 1865.

The French residing in New York, assembled on occasion of the deplorable event which has stricken the people of the United States in the person of President Abraham Lincoln, adopt the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the assassination of Abraham Lincoln has aroused the reprobation of the French population of New York.

Resolved, That we offer to the people of the United States our mournful sympathies on the loss which the death of its Chief Magistrate causes the nation to experience.

Resolved, That we offer up our ardent prayers for the re-establishment of the peace and prosperity of the people of the United States under the new administration.

Resolved, That we offer to the family of Abraham Lincoln our sincere condolences on the occasion of the sad trial to which it is subjected.

Resolved, That we equally regret the criminal attempt of which Mr. Seward is the victim; that we offer our prayers for his speedy restoration, and that we seize this occasion to transmit to him the expression of our lively sympathies.

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It is moreover resolved, That the above resolutions be transmitted to the legation of France at Washington to be presented to the government of the United States, to the family of Mr. Lincoln, and to that of Mr. Seward.

    Consul General of France.
    Chargé d’ Affaires of France.