Municipal Council of Chicago, Illinois

Whereas Abraham Lincoln, a citizen of Illinois, a man eminent for the purity of his life and his unselfish devotion to his country, and for four years President of the United States, while still performing the duties of that office to which he had been re-elected by a confiding people, has been stricken down by the hand of a murderer;

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And whereas his honored remains are now lying in state at Washington, and the funeral ceremonies will take place on Wednesday next: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the mayor and aldermen of the city of Chicago, That we have received the news of this terrible calamity with the deepest emotions of horror and of grief

Resolved, That the deceased will stand among the foremost of the brightest names of history, and will be forever remembered with admiration and honor, not only by his countrymen, but by the good and true of all countries and of all times.

Resolved, That while we deplore our own and the nation’s loss, our warmest sympathies and sincere condolence are extended to the bereaved widow and fatherless children of the late President.

Resolved, That a committee from this city be appointed to visit Washington, and in behalf of the citizens of Chicago take part in the funeral ceremonies; also to accompany the remains to Springfield.

Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased, and to each member of his cabinet, and be furnished for publication to the press.

Resolved, That the eminent statesman, William H. Seward, now suffering from wounds received from one of the same band of assassins who murdered the late President, has our deepest sympathy and respect, and our most earnest wishes for his speedy restoration to health.


F. C. SHERMAN, Mayor.

State of Illinois, City of Chicago, ss:

I, H. W. Zimmerman, clerk of the city of Chicago aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of resolutions adopted this day by the common council of said city.

Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said city of Chicago, the 17th day of April, A. D. 1865.

City Clerk.