Hebrew Congregation, Ohabei Shalom

At a vestry meeting held this day by the Hebrew congregation Ohabei Shalom, worshipping in Warren Street synagogue, a committee was appointed to draw up resolutions in regard to the late lamentable national calamity, and the following preamble and resolutions were drawn up and passed unanimously:

Whereas it has pleased an all merciful Father to remove from our midst his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of these United States of America, by death, at a moment when the whole nation rejoiced in the promised peace of our distracted country; and

Whereas this death has been caused by the foul hand of an assassin, who came unawares upon his illustrious victim while enjoying relaxation from his arduous duties, in the company of the partner of his bosom; and

Whereas, feeling that this calamity concerns every individual, not alone in this country but throughout the civilized world, affecting as it does the capability of mankind to govern themselves, and dealing a fearful blow against republican institutions: Therefore,

Resolved, That we, the congregation “Ohabei Shalom,” of the city of Boston, deeply deplore this sad event, and we humbly bow to our Heavenly Father, praying that this last, this “greatest sacrifice” of all will suffice “the monster moloch,” and that the Lord our God will be pleased to sanctify the death of our Chief Magistrate to the end that no more victims shall be required to end this unholy war.

Resolved, That with grief and horror we noticed the attempted double assassination of the Secretary of State of the United States, Mr. Seward, and his family, one ripe in years, wisdom and honor; that this attempted assassination is scarcely less to be deplored than that of the Chief Magistrate, whose death [Page 656] the nation now mourns, and that no words can convey the deep sorrow which we feel within us that the first officer of the country should thus be cut off from among us at the moment when his wisdom and prudence were about to lead us out of the chaos of war to the paradise of peace.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family of the late most worthy Chief Magistrate, and that no words of ours can convey the deep shock, the thrill of horror, the unspeakable agony with which the sad tidings were received by our community. But we hope that He who tempers the winds to the shorn lamb—He who was from the “beginning” “the protector” of the “widow and orphan,” will also vouchsafe to be the protector of the family of the lamented dead; (dead in the flesh, but living in the hearts of his countrymen.) May he temper their grief, and let them remember, and let us hope, that the good deeds done by him whilst on earth will intercede for him before the throne of Almighty God, and that the crown of martyrdom be sanctified unto him.

Resolved, That the synagogue shall be draped in mourning for thirty days, and that a prayer for the dead shall be chanted every Sabbath day and Mondays and Thursdays during that time.

Resolved, That on the day of the funeral of the lamented dead, a funeral sermon shall be preached in the synagogue, and that we, the members of this congregation, unanimously resolve to close our places of business on that day, for the purpose of keeping it as a day of mourning.

Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to the widow of the lamented President, as also to the family of the Secretary of State; that they be sealed with the seal of the congregation and signed by the president and vice-president and secretary.

Resolved, That the above resolutions be entered on the minutes of the congregation and published in the Post, Journal and Herald newspapers of this city.

Done this 19th day of Nisam, 5626; of the year of the Creation, April 16, 1865.

  • S. MYEES, President.
  • S. STEINBURG, Vice-President.
  • N. EHRLICH, Secretary.