American Residents of Smyrna
Meeting of American citizens in Smyrna.
Yesterday a meeting of the resident citizens of the United States in reference to the late deplorable events at Washington was convened.
Rev. Daniel Ladd opened the meeting with a few remarks, stating its object; whereupon Mr. Joseph Langdon was chosen chairman, and Mr. F. C. Blackler secretary.
Rev. Mr. Ladd then addressed the meeting, (which was numerously attended by ladies and gentlemen,) in a feeling and appropriate manner, after which the national hymn “America” was played and sung, followed by a fervent and impressive prayer by Mr. Ladd.
Mr. Langdon made some remarks on the life and character of the late President Lincoln, and offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That we have heard with indignation and profound grief the assassination of the beloved President of our republic, Abraham Lincoln, and of a further horrible attempt to destroy the lives of our Secretary and Assistant Secretary of State. That as regards the taking of the life of our Chief Magistrate at this critical moment, when all true Americans were trusting that great and good man to bring us out of the troubles which this terrible rebellion has caused, we all execrate the monster who has perpetrated the horrid deed, and thus deprived our country of one we all loved and trusted in.
Mr. Blackler proposed the following resolution:
Resolved, That the American citizens of our republic resident in Smyrna tender our heartfelt sympathies to Mrs. Lincoln and family in the irreparable loss they have sustained, as well as our country, by the death of our beloved Chief Magistrate.
Mr. John Griffitt, United States vice-consul, proposed the following resolution: Resolved, That in this our deep distress we feel consoled in having such a successor to our late lamented chief as Andrew Johnson, one in whom we repose every confidence, and whose long and honorable career in various departments of public life have qualified him in the highest degree to occupy the distinguished position of President of the United States.
Rev. Mr. Ladd proposed the following resolution:
Resolved, That the secretary of this meeting be appointed to take charge of the foregoing resolutions, and to transmit a copy of them to Mrs. Lincoln, and a copy to the Department of State, at Washington.
The above resolutions were severally seconded and unanimously adopted.
After other remarks from other members of the meeting, expressive of the great loss sustained by our country, the meeting was closed with religious exercises.